OPA_SOT_meeting_SOT05_Doc01/2.3, SOT-V-Doc- I-2.3

Report by the SOT Chairperson

Author(s) Graeme Ball, SOT Chairperson
Summary This document contains a brief report by Mr Graeme Ball, Chairperson of the SOT, regarding his activities in support of the SOT during the past intersessional period. The document also provides a status on action items requiring attention by the Chairperson of the SOT.
Doc Type Working Document
Status Published on 07 Apr 2009
Keywords SOT-V ship observation SOT VOS ASAP SOOP
This document is in the list(s): [Working Documents] Observations Programme Area

Group(s): JCOMM
Created at 13:58 on 07 Apr 2009 by Etienne Charpentier
Updated at 16:49 on 21 Dec 2010 by Sungmin O