
Compendium of IOC Member State inputs to IOC Circular Letter 2968 (IOC-wide Strategy on Sustainable Ocean Planning and Management)

Author(s) IOC Secretariat

Through IOC Assembly decision A-32/4.7 of 2023, Member States requested the Executive Secretary to collect further inputs on document IOC/A-32/4.7.Doc(1): ‘Proposal for IOC Wide-Strategy on Sustainable Ocean Planning and Management from Member States, IOC programmes and technical bodies’. Inputs were solicited through IOC Circular Letter 2968 of 24 November 2023. This document presents a compilation of inputs received (Algeria, Germany, Italy, Peru, Russian Federation, Spain, UK, USA).

This information should be supplemented by reading the brief produced by the Sustainable Development Reform Hub: 'Survey and interviews to inform initiatives on sustainable ocean planning and management: Ocean Decade results'.

Doc Type Information Document
Status Published on 17 May 2024

English only. PDF format only.


Created at 18:50 on 17 May 2024 by Patrice Boned
Updated at 18:50 on 17 May 2024 by Patrice Boned