
Progress Report of the IOC Ad hoc Intersessional Working Group on Ocean Observations in Areas under National Jurisdiction

Author(s) GOOS Office

The present progress report is submitted in pursuance to IOC Assembly Decision A-32/4.8.2 to establish a Working Group on Ocean Observations in Areas under National Jurisdiction.

It documents the activities of the group since December 2023 with a view to presenting a comprehensive report on the consultation of Member States and Global Ocean Observing System networks on the issue of ocean observations in areas under national jurisdiction at the next IOC Assembly in 2025.

The proposed decision is referenced Dec. EC-57/4.2 in the Action Paper (document IOC/EC-57/AP Prov.)

Doc Type Working Document
Status Published on 05 Jun 2024

Created at 16:22 on 05 Jun 2024 by Patrice Boned
Updated at 16:22 on 05 Jun 2024 by Patrice Boned