
Global Ocean Observing System (GOOS) Governance

Author(s) GOOS Office

Further to IOC Decision A-32/4.8.1, which requested the Executive Secretary “to review progress with reform of GOOS governance to meet the needs of Member States, including any proposed actions or otherwise in response to the nine recommendations of the 2021 ‘Report of the Study on Support Provided to Global and Regional Ocean Observing Systems’ by Neville Smith and to report progress to the IOC Executive Council at its 57th session in 2024,”. This document provides information on governance progress and proposed actions for consideration by Member States. The addendum to this document (in English only) details the GOOS Progress against the nine recommendations in the Neville Smith report.

Proposed decision: The Executive Council is invited to take note of this report and proposed actions and consider the draft decision referenced as Dec. EC-57/4.1 in the Provisional Action Paper IOC/EC-57/AP Prov.

Doc Type Working Document
Status Published on 05 Jun 2024

Created at 15:00 on 05 Jun 2024 by Patrice Boned
Updated at 15:00 on 05 Jun 2024 by Patrice Boned