IOC/EC-57/3.1.Doc(1) Add.

Report of the IOC Executive Secretary on the work accomplished since the Thirty-second session of the Assembly (July 2023–May 2024) - Addendum

Author(s) IOC Secretariat

This Addendum is a part of the IOC Executive Secretary report and provides a more detailed update on the work accomplished over the period June 2023 to May 2024. It is presented by IOC Functions. The work on Ocean Decade has a dedicated agenda item of the Assembly, but it is also briefly reported in this document. The work of Regional Subsidiary Bodies is mostly reported under Function E (on the Decade) and under Function F (on capacity development).

Doc Type Working Document
Status Published on 21 May 2024

Availble in English only. On 21 May the reference to the documentation on the Decade was updated. 

Created at 10:51 on 21 May 2024 by Patrice Boned
Updated at 10:51 on 21 May 2024 by Patrice Boned