
Implementation of the IOC Capacity Development Strategy (2023–2030)

Author(s) IOC Capacity Development Secretariat (@Johanna Paula Diwa)

By IOC Decision A-32/Dec.4.3, the Assembly at its 32nd session decided to adopt the IOC Capacity Development Strategy 2023–2030 (IOC/INF-1433) and its Outreach and Communication Plan.

The present document presents detailed information related to the actions taken and to be taken following the adoption of the new Strategy, in particular through the report on the activity of the Group of Experts on Capacity Development at its fifth meeting (IOC/GE-CD-V/3, 27–29 February 2024). It follows from this information a proposal to maintain the GE-CD with revised terms of reference.

The proposed decision is referenced as EC-57/ Dec.4.6 in the Action Paper for the session (document IOC/EC-57/AP Draft).

Doc Type Working Document
Status Published on 05 Jun 2024

Created at 12:04 on 05 Jun 2024 by Patrice Boned
Updated at 12:04 on 05 Jun 2024 by Patrice Boned