4.2.2 Preposed theme for the RRevelle lecture

"20 years since Sumatra: Advances in Tsunami Science and Mitigation" (Abstract) by Emile A. Okal

Author(s) Emile A. Okal

This is an abstract of the lecture proposed for the IOC Roger Revelle Lecture 2024.

Emile A. Okal, Northwestern University, Evanston, IL 60208 USA

It has now been close to 20 years since the 2004 Sumatra disaster, which made "tsunami" a
household word, and was probably the most lethal such event in the history of mankind. As a
result, a worldwide emphasis has been given to tsunami risk mitigation, and we will review our progress in several areas. [...]

Doc Type Information Document
Status Published on 07 Feb 2024

Created at 17:56 on 07 Feb 2024 by Patrice Boned
Updated at 17:56 on 07 Feb 2024 by Patrice Boned