
Update on IOC Custodianship Role in relation to SDG 14 Indicators, 2023


In Decision XXIX/9.1, the IOC Assembly at its 29th session in 2017 took note of the assignment of IOC as a custodian agency for specific SDG 14 indicators, particularly under Targets 14.3 and 14.a. This means that the IOC is responsible for the methodological development, measurement of these SDG indicators, and heir reporting at the global scale. In Decision EC-LI/4.3, the IOC Executive Council at its 51st session in 2018 endorsed the implementation of the second edition of the Global Ocean Science Report and its role as the main mechanism for reporting towards the SDG Target 14.a. At the same session, the IOC Executive Council, in Decision EC-LI/4.4, welcomed the methodology for Indicator 14.3.1 as presented in document IOC/EC-LI/2 Annex 6.

The present document provides an overview of the progress regarding the indicators for Targets 14.3 (ocean acidification) and 14.a (marine scientific research) for which the IOC is identified as custodian agency, as well as for the SDG 14 indicators 14.1.1 and 14.2.1 for which the IOC is providing technical support to UNEP, encouraging Member State engagement and data submissions.

Doc Type Working Document
Status Published on 17 Jun 2023

Created at 12:45 on 17 Jun 2023 by Patrice Boned
Updated at 12:45 on 17 Jun 2023 by Patrice Boned