
UN Engagement in the Ocean Decade – Roadmap and Priority Actions


This document presents the initial conclusions and recommendations from an analysis of the current and future engagement opportunities for UN entities in the Ocean Decade. Based on a literature review and interviews with UN-Oceans members it examines how the mandates of UN entities provide opportunities for action within the Ocean Decade, the general types of engagement that are currently available for UN entities within the Ocean Decade, the potential for this action to enhance the science-policy interface and concludes with a series of preliminary recommendations to be led by the Decade Coordination Unit. These recommendations will be discussed and finalized with UN-Oceans and their operationalization will take into account the resource requirements for the Decade Coordination Unit.

Doc Type Information Document
Status Published

English only

Created at 23:38 on 30 May 2023 by Patrice Boned
Updated at 23:38 on 30 May 2023 by Patrice Boned