
Summary Report on the Consultation on Ocean Observations in Areas under National Jurisdiction


The global ocean observing networks under GOOS have reported to the Observations Coordination Group and the Steering Committee that they experience issues in undertaking sustained ocean observations in areas under national jurisdiction. An expert workshop on “Ocean Observations in Areas under National Jurisdiction” was held in 2020, and the results and recommendations presented to the IOC Executive Council at its Fifty-fifth session (OONJ, GOOS Report, 246). The Executive Council requested the Executive Secretary to invite Member States and GOOS Networks to provide more information on their experiences, including on the issues identified in the OONJ Expert Workshop (Decision IOC/EC-55/3.4).

This document provides detail on the experiences of global ocean observing networks and IOC Member States regarding the taking of sustained ocean observations in areas under national jurisdiction, including an assessment of the ‘solution spaces’ within UNCLOS, as identified in the OONJ Workshop.

Doc Type Working Document
Status Published on 20 Jun 2023

Created at 22:51 on 20 Jun 2023 by Patrice Boned
Updated at 22:51 on 20 Jun 2023 by Patrice Boned