
Summary of the Final Report of the Joint Study Group on GCOS (JSG-GCOS)


The Joint WMO, IOC, ISC and UNEP Study Group on the Global Climate Observing System (JSG-GCOS) was formed in 2020 under the Infrastructure Commission of WMO. The Joint Study Group reviewed the GCOS governance and structure, making a number of key recommendations for consideration by the GCOS sponsors (cf. full report GCOS-246).

This document provides the Executive Summary, high-level recommendations, and recommendations from the JSG-GCOS, which relate to the IOC and are the subject of the decision.

Doc Type Working Document
Status Published on 17 Jun 2023

Created at 12:35 on 17 Jun 2023 by Patrice Boned
Updated at 12:35 on 17 Jun 2023 by Patrice Boned