
IOC Capacity Development Strategy for 2023–2030


By IOC Decision A-31/3.5.3, the Assembly at its 31st session decided to extend the IOC Capacity Development Strategy 2015–2021 (IOC/INF-1332) until July 2023 and re-established the Group of Experts tasked to submit to the 32nd session of the Assembly a draft IOC Capacity Development Strategy for 2023–2030 as well as an accompanying Outreach and Communications Plan.

The present document includes the main document of the IOC Capacity Development Strategy for 2023–2030. The detailed background information related to the process of reviewing and revising the strategy is provided in the addendum to this Document IOC-32/4.3.Doc(1).

Doc Type Working Document
Status Published on 28 Jun 2023

Created at 22:44 on 28 Jun 2023 by Patrice Boned
Updated at 22:44 on 28 Jun 2023 by Patrice Boned