
Designing the observing system for the world’s ocean – from microbes to whales WORKSHOP #2

Author(s) Erin Satterthwaite and Patricia Miloslavich
Summary Building on the ideas of the first workshop, the discussions in this second workshop were focused on: (1) mapping/visualizing the current network of observing programs (i.e. spatial and temporal coverage of current networks across the biological EOVs, data availability, gaps) as well as their qualities, attributes, and level of readiness, (2) planning the implementation strategy for each of the six goals of the proposed roadmap, from communication to strengthening partnership, building the foundations, implementing technological developments, coverage expansion, and advancing use and impact of the observations, (3) devising how the biological monitoring data within the ECV/EOV/EBV frameworks will support policy by feeding into the SDGs, Aichi Post 2020, UN Decade, IPBES, Expert Panel on a Sustainable Ocean Economy on biodiversity (Blue Papers), and other high-level policy needs. In addition, strategic next steps and follow-up actions for the GOOS BioEco panel were proposed. These were related to: • The EuroSea project which will co-support the international project office for the next 4 years • Improving connection with the UN Decade planning and activities • Establishing criteria and endorsement process for the Ocean Best Practices (OBP) platform • Supporting the GOOS 2030 strategy • Future implementation plan workshops for other biological EOVs • Funding strategy post the Pegasus grant • Renewal of BioEco panel leadership and membership
Doc Type Report
Status Published on 15 Jan 2020
Keywords BioEco, Pegasus project, Mapping the biological network
This document is in the list(s): BioEco Reports
GOOS BioEco Panel Documents

Group(s): GOOS
Created at 01:55 on 15 Jan 2020 by Patricia Miloslavich
Updated at 02:03 on 15 Jan 2020 by Patricia Miloslavich