GOOS Biology and Ecosystems Panel - Highlights 2019

Author(s) Patricia Miloslavich
Summary The highlights of GOOS BioEco in 2019 are framed within the following activities: (1) Advancing EOV implementation and building the networks (2) Mapping the global network of biological ocean observations through the PEGASuS project (3) Capacity development and EOV monitoring training (4) Contributions to OceanObs19 – publications and breakout sessions (5) Providing a vision and a roadmap for implementation of observations in the next decade (6) Contributions to policy and to global assessments - publications (7) Contributions to the GOOS and GCOS programs (across disciplines) (8) Securing future funding – the EuroSea project (9) Panel composition renewal
Doc Type Information Document
Status Published on 09 Jan 2020
Keywords BioEco, highlights 2019
This document is in the list(s): BioEco Reports
GOOS BioEco Panel Documents

Group(s): GOOS
Created at 07:14 on 09 Jan 2020 by Patricia Miloslavich
Updated at 07:17 on 09 Jan 2020 by Patricia Miloslavich