AGENDA - Designing the observing system for the world’s ocean – from microbes to whales / Workshop 2

Author(s) Patricia Miloslavich and Nic Bax
Summary The main goal of this second workshop is to analyze the information compiled on networks (e.g. programs, projects, observatories) associated to biological Essential Ocean Variables to map the extent of these observations in the global ocean, including their spatial and temporal scales and gaps and compare these with desired EOV coverage. The group will also plan the Implementation of the roadmap goals, actions and products which was developed during the first workshop and aimed to support monitoring and reporting regularly on progress against the Convention on Biological Diversity 2050 Vision, Agenda 2030 and other critical international agreements as well as the UN Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainability.
Doc Type Information Document
Status Published on 05 Dec 2019
This document is in the list(s): GOOS BioEco Panel Documents

Group(s): GOOS
Created at 18:44 on 05 Dec 2019 by Patricia Miloslavich
Updated at 18:47 on 05 Dec 2019 by Patricia Miloslavich