GEOSS Outcome Perfomance Indicators - GEO document 26

Summary At the GEO-III Plenary (November 27-29, 2006), several GEO members (e.g., Italy, Brazil, Canada) expressed a need to articulate performance indicators that focus on the outcomes and impacts from GEO and GEOSS. In addition, Section 7.2 Performance Indicators of the GEOSS 10-Year Implementation Plan states that “GEO will develop performance indicators for GEOSS.” The 2007- 2009 Work Plan identifies Performance Indicators in Section 16; however, GEO members pointed out that these indicators are focused on process and outputs. Reference is also made in the 2007-2009 Work Plan to the material in Chapter 9 Performance Indicators of the GEOSS Reference Document. GEO members also noted that, given the upcoming November 30, 2007, Earth Observation Summit IV Ministerial meeting, GEO members need some indicators of the societal value and benefits, which are expected to be enabled by and could be attributed to GEO and its membership activities (i.e., “outcomes” and “impacts” in performance evaluation parlance). During the specific discussion on the 2007-2009 Work Plan, the United States volunteered to lead an effort to identify performance indicators addressing outcomes and impacts from GEO and GEOSS. Canada and other GEO Members offered to support the United States in this endeavor. The Canadian GEO Secretariat offered to host an “Outcome Performance Indicators Planning Workshop” February 13-14, 2007, in Montreal, Canada. GEO Secretariat sent a workshop invitation to GEO Principals and the United States GEO Secretariat developed workshop materials (i.e., preliminary agenda, “concept document,” illustrative examples), which were circulated to GEO membership for comment prior to the workshop. Aside from representatives for the World Meteorological Organization, the United Nations Environment Programme – Division of Early Warning & Assessment – North America, and GEO Secretariat, the workshop was de facto bi-national (United States-Canada), and it was decided that the United States and Canada would continue to jointly develop and refine the “concept document” to a point where it would then be more widely shared with GEO membership. This information document describes a generic framework for performance evaluation, which includes existing GEO performance reporting, as well as proposed performance indicators for outcomes and impacts from GEO and GEOSS.
Doc Type Information Document
Status Draft

Group(s): IOC Capacity Development
Created at 15:44 on 11 Sep 2008
Updated at 15:45 on 11 Sep 2008