Report on the Hyderabad leadership and marine action planning workshop

Author(s) Berque, Desa, and others
Summary This workshop was the first for directors of marine-related institutions in the central Indian Ocean region of IOC (IOCINDIO), with a focus on organisations related to the Indian Ocean Global Ocean Observing System (IOGOOS), of which INCOIS is the host institution. 25 participants from 10 countries of the Indian Ocean attended, most of them directors or senior executives in their organisations. Specialisations and expertise of the participants included operational meteorology, physical oceanography, marine hazards, hydrography, biological oceanography and fisheries, remote sensing, modelling and data management. The workshop first focussed on presentation of methods and best practices to work and grow directors’ performance in leading their organisation. Feedback from participants indicates that this was perceived as a very useful and inspiring experience by most participants. The delegates then discussed the priorities in marine issues in their countries and region, their vision for the future of marine sciences in the Indian Ocean, and priorities in growing capacity and regional collaboration. Participants had largely converging view on the issues of priority, that could broadly be grouped in issues pertaining to marine resources, and those pertaining to marine hazards. The possible focus for an initial limited number of pilot projects to address some of these issues was discussed. The next steps in the development of these projects could include a focus on regional collaboration for better multi-hazard warning systems, and coastal ecosystems, with mangroves for continental states and coral reefs for the island states.
Doc Type Report
Status Draft
Notes Revised draft based on corrections from participants
This document is in the list(s): IOC Capacity Building

Group(s): IOC Capacity Development
Created at 10:28 on 05 Sep 2008
Updated at 13:43 on 08 Sep 2008