
Draft Strategy on Capacity-development for Delineation of the Outer Limits of the Continental Shelves of Africa Coastal States

Author(s) IOC Secretariat; NEPAD, GRID-Arendal
Summary his document has been prepared by NEPAD, IOC of UNESCO and GRID-Arendal. The three agencies are developing a strategy for fast-tracking capacity-building in Africa, so that countries can prepare submissions on the outer limits of the continental shelf beyond 200 nautical miles, before the deadline of 12 May 2009. UNESCO and UNEP are exploring opportunities for developing partnerships with a view to assisting the African countries in the preparation of these submissions.
Doc Type Information Document
Status Published on 22 Jun 2008
Keywords Law of the sea, Africa, capacity-development

Group(s): IOC
Created at 21:07 on 22 Jun 2008 by Patrice Boned
Updated at 21:10 on 22 Jun 2008 by Patrice Boned