204 EX/5. INF

Follow-up to decisions and resolutions adopted by the Executive Board and the General Conference at their previous sessions, part II: Management issues, B. Resource Mobilisation Strategy and Annual Structured Financing Dialogue

Author(s) UNESCO
Summary Suivi des décisions et résolutions adoptées par le Conseil exécutif et la Conférence générale à leurs sessions antérieures, partie II: Questions relatives à la gestion
Doc Type Link to document
Status Published on 13 Apr 2018
Notes April 2018
This document is in the list(s): Tsunami Risk Assessment Reports from the UNESCAP funded Tsunami Risk Assessment and Tsunami Exercise Project

Group(s): IOC
Created at 17:39 on 13 Apr 2018 by Patrice Boned
Updated at 17:43 on 13 Apr 2018 by Patrice Boned