
(Draft) updated Memorandum of Understanding of the Joint Group of Experts on the Scientific Aspects of Marine Environmental Protection (GESAMP)

Author(s) GESAMP Secretariat
Summary GESAMP has undergone extensive reorganization following an independent, in-depth review in 2001. Under the New GESAMP Mission statement, the Joint Group of Experts is clearly evolving towards a more autonomous body acting with little supervision or guidance from the sponsoring organizations, especially on policy and governance issues. This document prepared by the GESAMP Officer is subject to the approval of each sponsoring organization (IMO, FAO, UNESCO-IOC, WMO, IAEA, UN, UNEP and UNIDO).
Doc Type Information Document
Status Published on 16 Jun 2008
Keywords ICSPRO; Science

Group(s): IOC
Created at 21:19 on 16 Jun 2008 by Patrice Boned
Updated at 21:22 on 16 Jun 2008 by Patrice Boned