UK GOOS Strategic Plan

Author(s) GOOS Action Group of IACMST
Summary The purpose of this summary report is to highlight recommendations regarding UK contribution to the Global Ocean Observing System (GOOS) and the actions which need to be put in place to deliver commitments to a long-term programme of ocean monitoring. The report presents the case for GOOS in the context of UK national needs for marine monitoring. The UK cannot isolate its waters, nor can it act alone to implement a global observing system to meet all its needs. The report argues that UK interests are served most cost effectively by international collaboration and coordination through GOOS.
Doc Type Report
Status Published on 08 Nov 2006

Group(s): GOOS
Created at 16:17 on 08 Nov 2006 by Irene Gazagne
Updated at 16:23 on 08 Nov 2006 by Irene Gazagne