Author(s) | Thomas F. Gross |
Summary | Report of the Eleventh Session of the GOOS Scientific Steering Committee (GSSC-XI, 8-11 April 2008, Paris, France) |
Doc Type | Report |
Status | Published on 04 Jun 2008 |
Notes | The 11th session of the IOC-WMO-UNEP-ICSU Scientific Steering Committee of the Global Ocean Observing System (GSSC), was held in Paris, France, on 8-10 April, 2008. The meeting was preceded by a successful scientific workshop on developing cooperative programs across the Atlantic between EuroGOOS, EU, OceanUS, IOOS, USA and Canadian GOOS efforts. The GSSC XI reviewed the accomplishments and future of the GODAE modelling programmes. Cooperative activities with GEO/GEOSS were discussed and a commitment to continued participation was endorsed. Outreach and Advocacy accomplishments which were set in motion by the previous GSSC X session were viewed with great satisfaction and will be enhanced in the coming years. Cooperative activities of the JCOMM and OOPC programmes were reported. The breadth of GSSC and GOOS programmes were emphasized in a series of presentations. Breakout groups reported on their discussions of global coast modelling, outreach and advocacy, JCOMM programmes, pilot studies, GRA 4th Forum planning, and OOPC issues. A joint session with the PICO I meeting emphasized development of coastal GOOS programmes. |
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GOOS Meeting Reports and Major Publications |