IOC/EC-XLI/2 Annex 4

Draft IOC Operating Plan for 2008–2009

Author(s) IOC Secretariat
Summary In accordance with the recommendations of the Financial Committee of the 24th Assembly (paragraphs 101-103 of the Summary Report) and Resolution XXIV-2, the Draft IOC Operating Plan for 2008–2009 provides the operational framework to implement the Purpose of the Commission and the High-level objectives and Actions of its Biennial Strategy 2008–2009, taking into account the different roles exerted by the Member States, the Subsidiary Bodies and the Secretariat. The Executive Council is invited to: (i) consider, with a view to adopting, the IOC Operating Plan for 2008–2009; (ii) consider the status of IOC primary Subsidiary Bodies; (iii) consider, with a view of adopting, the Draft Guidelines for Subsidiary Bodies; (iv) instruct the Executive Secretary to submit to the 25th Assembly a report on the status of primary and secondary Subsidiary Bodies and proposals for their optimization; and (v) adopt Draft Resolution EC-XLI.(4.1.3).
Doc Type Working Document
Status Published on 19 May 2008

Group(s): IOC
Created at 17:05 on 16 May 2008 by Patrice Boned
Updated at 17:16 on 11 Jun 2008 by Patrice Boned