IOC/EC-XLI/2 Annex 1

Report by the IOC Executive Secretary on Programme Implementation

Author(s) IOC Secretariat
Summary As stated in Article 49.1 of the Rules of Procedure, the Executive Secretary shall submit to each session of the Assembly and the Executive Council a report on the work accomplished since the previous session. This report is complemented by the following documents: • IOC/EC-XLI/2 Annex 2 Add. 1, SISTER Follow-up Qualitative Report* • IOC/EC-XLI/2 Annex 2 Add. 2, Implementation of IOC Governing Bodies Resolutions • IOC/EC-XLI/2 Annex 2, Report on Budget Execution (2006–2007) and Budget Outline and Progress Report for 2008 The Executive Council is invited to consider, with a view to accepting, the Executive Secretary’s Report on Programme Implementation and on Budget Execution (2006–2007) and Budget Outline and Progress Report for 2008.
Doc Type Working Document
Status Published on 16 May 2008

Group(s): IOC
Created at 16:46 on 16 May 2008 by Patrice Boned
Updated at 21:15 on 16 Jun 2008 by Patrice Boned