
Report of the Workshop on the Implementation of Multidisciplinary Sustained Ocean Observations

Author(s) Artur Palacz, Jay Pearlman, Sam Simmons, Katy Hill, Patricia Miloslavich, Maciej Telszewski, Bernadette Sloyan, Francoise Pearlman, Mark Bourassa
Doc Type Report
Status Published on 19 Jun 2017
Notes Recommended citation: Palacz AP, Pearlman J, Simmons S, Hill K, Miloslavich P, Telszewski M, Sloyan B, Pearlman F, Bourassa M (2017). Report of the workshop on the Implementation of Multi-disciplinary Sustained Ocean Observations (IMSOO). Global Ocean Observing System (GOOS) Report No. 223,
This document is in the list(s): GOOS Meeting Reports and Major Publications

Group(s): GOOS
Created at 08:55 on 13 Jun 2017 by Katherine (Katy) Hill
Updated at 11:52 on 22 Jun 2017 by Artur Palacz