JCOMM Pilot Project for WIGOS, IODE Ocean Data Portal (ODP), and other Pilot Projects

Author(s) Nikolay Mikhailov, Chairperson, ETDMP
Summary This document provides information on the contribution of the JCOMM/IODE ETDMP to the JCOMM Pilot Project for the WMO Integrated Global Observing Systems (WIGOS), the IODE Ocean Data Portal Project, and the Marine Data Interoperability Standards Pilot Project. These projects have a very similar objectives and vision on the development of the integrated ocean and marine meteorological data management process. The purpose of the document consists of a formulation of the approach and proposals by the appropriate ETDMP Task Teams regarding a uniform methodical, technological and institutional basis.
Doc Type Working Document
Status Published on 19 Mar 2008

Group(s): JCOMM
Created at 11:41 on 19 Mar 2008 by Etienne Charpentier
Updated at 11:43 on 19 Mar 2008 by Etienne Charpentier