
First Session of the Intergovernmental Working Group on IOC Oceanographic Data Exchange Policy, Brussels, Belgium, 29-31 May 2001

Summary The First Session of the Intergovernmental Working Group on IOC Oceanographic Data Exchange Policy was held in Brussels, Belgium between 29 and 31 May 2001 and attended by 21 Member States, as well as observers from ESA, EU, ICSU, IODE, SCOR and WMO. During its three days of deliberations the Group reviewed the results of the ad hoc Group of Experts (2000), discussions during the 33rd Session of the IOC Executive Council, the 16th Session of the IOC Committee on IODE, and been informed on the status of implementation of WMO Resolutions 40 and 25 as well as on the view of ICSU on data exchange policy. Participating Member States had also been given the opportunity to inform the Meeting on national policies. The Meeting then split into three sessional Working Groups: one dealing with the issue of a two- tier approach (as used by WMO Resolution 40, distinguishing between ‘essential’ and ‘additional’ data), and two dealing with the elements to be included in the revised policy statement. Reports of the groups were collated by the Chairman who prepared a composite statement for discussion. After substantial discussion, the First Session of the Intergovernmental Working Group on IOC Oceanographic Data Exchange Policy prepared a draft statement for submission to the 21st Session of the IOC Assembly
Doc Type Reference Document
Status Published on 15 Jun 2001
This document is in the list(s): IODE Books and Information Documents

Group(s): IODE
Created at 08:49 on 06 Mar 2008 by Annelies Groen
Updated at 08:53 on 06 Mar 2008 by Annelies Groen