
Improving the IOC's Performance Management System: IODE reporting as a pilot project

Author(s) IODE Secretariat
Summary This IODE report contains detailed information on (i) IODE response to decisions by IOC Governing Bodies during the period 2005– 2006; (ii) the IODE Programme and the IOC’s performance management system; (iii) the implementation status of IODE-XVIII resolutions and recommendations; and (iv) main programme successes and milestones during the period April 2005–March 2007.
Doc Type Information Document
Status Published on 24 May 2007
This document is in the list(s): IOC documents

Group(s): IODE
Created at 18:25 on 15 Nov 2007 by Peter Pissierssens
Updated at 18:26 on 15 Nov 2007 by Peter Pissierssens