Author(s) | Secretariat |
Doc Type | Report |
Status | Published on 28 Sep 2015 |
Notes | There are many marine meteorological and oceanographic (met-ocean) observations which are not currently contributing to WMO and IOC Applications. Several reasons may explain the situation, including for example reluctance to make the data available due to data policies conflicting with the WMO and IOC ones, requirement for publishing scientific results based on the data before allowing data distribution, or lack of confidence in the data quality. However, in some cases, the data are simply not distributed because of the perceived complexity or lack of understanding of the platform operators and programme managers concerning the data systems, mechanisms, protocols and formats required in the WMO and IOC frameworks to achieve such exchange of the observations. The JCOMM Data Management Coordination Group (DMCG) identified a need to produce an Oceanographers’ and Marine Meteorologists’ Cookbook for Submitting Data and Metadata in Real-time and Delayed Mode, the “Cookbook”. Its purpose is to provide the potential data providers with a complete and simple description of what’s required to practically achieve the real-time and delayed mode exchange of met-ocean observations, together with the required observing platform and instrument metadata, through the appropriate data systems promoted by JCOMM, such as the WMO Information System (WIS) and its Global Telecommunication System (GTS), or the various Global Data Acquisition or Assembly Centres (GDACs) operated for specific ocean observing networks. The focus of the “Cookbook” is on in situ, directly observed measurements, rather than on remote sensing data (e.g. from satellites). The “Cookbook” documents the widely varying methods of submitting data and metadata in-real time and delayed-mode from all types of met-ocean observing platforms that contribute to JCOMM. Other types of data such as those of Automated Underwater Vehicles (AUVs) or animal tags are not yet addressed in this cookbook. The users of the “Cookbook” are met-ocean observing platform operators. For example, the Data Buoy Cooperation (DBCP) Panel has a diverse community; platform operators, program managers, data users, model developers, platform manufactures, telecommunication service providers, to name a few who facilitate to operate variety of platforms and provide data to the Global Telecommunication System for broader public use. The “Cookbook” was prepared by the DMCG with contributions from various actors and experts from the JCOMM Data Management (DMPA) and Observations Programme Areas (OPA). This is a living document and will be updated as required. The intent is to have frequent refreshes and additions to the document as users provide feedback and additional input. Some of the sections of this document are under construction and will be completed in due course. |
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[Official JCOMM Publication] JCOMM Technical Report Series (including old MMROA) |