RITMARE updates, by Alessandro Oggioni (CNR-IREA)

Author(s) Alessandro Oggioni (1), Paolo Tagliolato (1,2), Cristiano Fugazza (1), Mauro Bastianini (2), Fabio Pavesi (1), Monica Pepe (1), Stefano Menegon (2), Anna Basoni (1), and Paola Carrara (1)<br>(1) CNR IREA,<br>(2) CNR ISMAR
Doc Type Presentation
Status Published on 27 Apr 2015
This document is in the list(s): PowerPoint Presentations

Group(s): IODE
Created at 15:51 on 27 Apr 2015 by Athanasia Iona
Updated at 12:12 on 28 Apr 2015 by Athanasia Iona