Tsunami Hazard assessment and Scenarios Database development for the Tsunami Warning System for the coast of Oman

Author(s) Aniel-Quiroga, Í; Álvarez-Gómez, J. A.; González, M.; Aguirre-Ayerbe, I.; Fernández Pérez, F. ; Jara, M. S. ; González-Riancho, P.; Medina, R. ; Al-Harthy, S.; Al-Yahyai, S.; Al-Hashmi, S.
Doc Type Information Document
Status Published on 22 Jan 2015
Keywords Oman, tsunami, Makran
This document is in the list(s): ICG/IOTWS WG1 - Tsunami Risk Assessment and Reduction

Group(s): Tsunami
Created at 13:41 on 22 Jan 2015 by Bernardo Aliaga Rossel
Updated at 13:43 on 22 Jan 2015 by Bernardo Aliaga Rossel