Author(s) | Vladimir Vladymyrov |
Summary | The Ocean Information Technology Project was conceived to be “a major, concerted effort with an efficient and effective, comprehensive data and information management system as the goal. We are seeking a 21st Century solution that takes advantage of leading technology and methods. The data and management system will be user driven and, in this case, the users will comprise a mix of ocean science, non-ocean science, operational agencies, commercial and private enterprise users, and the general public.” Its history goes back to a presentation by Dr. Neville Smith during JCOMM-I. Subsequently Dr. Smith proposed the OIT concept to GSC-V (2002) where it was recommended to establish an OIT Pilot Project Steering Team. |
Doc Type | Working Document |
Status | Published on 16 Apr 2005 |
Notes | Eighteenth Session of the IOC Committee on International Oceanographic Data and Information Exchange (IODE-XVIII) Oostende, Belgium, 26-30 April 2005 |
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IODE Session Working Documents |