Author(s) | Greg Reed, Australian Oceanographic Data Centre |
Summary | The International Oceanographic Data and Information Exchange (IODE) Resource Kit is a CD-ROM based product that contains a range of marine data management and information management material, including software, quality control and analysis strategies, training manuals, and relevant IOC documents. It is a comprehensive self-training and resource tool for newly established Oceanographic Data Centres, designed to assist managers and staff members to acquire the skills to set up and run new IODE centres. The Kit provides a broad spectrum of background information on global data and information archiving activities, specifications for data storage in “standard formats,” and the software tools to perform many quality control, sub-setting, and analyses techniques. In addition, datasets and information relevant to specific geographical regions are provided as a plug-in “custom pack” to the Kit. While aimed at developing countries, the Kit will be of considerable value to developed countries and their marine science agencies. |
Doc Type | Working Document |
Status | Published on 11 Sep 2000 |
Notes | Sixteenth Session of the IOC Committee on International Oceanographic Data and Information Exchange (IODE), Lisbon, Portugal, 30 October – 9 November 2000 |
This document is in the list(s): |
IODE Session Working Documents |