Author(s) | Nickolay Mikhailov, Evgeny Viazilov, RIHMI-WDC/Russian NODC, Russian Federation |
Summary | Data formatting is an important component of data Management technologies, which provides the structural basis for data sets ‘ creation as well as for software interfaces between data sets and procedures of data processing, analysis, visualization and dissemination. Data formatting is of particular importance for data exchange between subject - oriented technologies, between data centres, between a data centre and users. For a long time the Group of Experts on Technical Aspects of Data Exchange (IODE GETADE) has been responsible for providing the standardization of ocean data exchange. These activities resulted in development of the General Format (GF3) formatting system and, the GF3 subsets for various disciplines (oceanography, currents, geology geophysics) related to marine environment. Subsequently GF-3 was upgraded to meet modern technical requirements and is offered for the International Oceanographic Data Exchange (IODE) as the GETADE format. At the same time many centres and organizations developed data formats for their own needs. |
Doc Type | Working Document |
Status | Published on 30 Sep 2000 |
Notes | Sixteenth Session of the IOC Committee on International Oceanographic Data and Information Exchange (IODE), Lisbon, Portugal, 30 October – 9 November 2000 |
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IODE Session Working Documents |