Author(s) | IOC for UNESCO |
Summary | During the intersessional period, the Group of Experts on RNODCs and Climate Programmes (hereafter referred to as the Group) could not find an opportunity to convene a meeting, due to the lack of time and funds, and worked mostly by electronic correspondence. The major topics addressed by the Group included evaluation of the response to provide by RNODCs to the issues raised at the IODE Think Tank Meeting, the appropriateness of the RNODCs to meet the needs of global monitoring programmes such as GOOS and GCOS and their users, to identify the regional and global datasets required by those programmes and the adequacy of existing RNODCs to respond to the challenge of fast progressing technology in data management and exchange. |
Doc Type | Working Document |
Status | Published on 07 Nov 1995 |
Notes | Fifteenth Session of the IOC Committee on International Oceanographic Data and Information Exchange. Athens, Greece, 23-31 January 1996 Reports of the chairmen of the IODE subsidiary and projects leaders on international activities and future actions. |
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IODE Session Working Documents |