Tsunami Public Awareness and Education (PAE) Stakeholders Consultation Meeting

Author(s) Judith Szabo
Summary This report will provide a short summary of the main themes and ideas brought forth at the Tsunami Public Awareness and Education (PAE) Workshop in the Dominican Republic. This was the first time that PAE professionals from over 24 countries came together to provide input for a tsunami communications strategy covering an extended region, including Central and South America, and the Caribbean.
Doc Type Report
Status Published on 03 Jan 2013
Keywords Tsunami,Public Awareness, Education, CTIC, Caribbean, CARIBE EWS
This document is in the list(s): ICG/CARIBE EWS Working Documents

Group(s): Tsunami
Created at 15:26 on 03 Jan 2013 by Bernardo Aliaga Rossel
Updated at 15:29 on 03 Jan 2013 by Bernardo Aliaga Rossel