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Advanced Search Results

Your search for "" returned 45465 result(s).
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Displaying 111 – 120 results of 172.
results per page.

Foundations Dialogue for the Ocean Decade Meeting
27/02/2020 - 28/02/2020
Royal Danish Academy od Sciences and Letters,
Copenhagen , Denmark

IOC Multiple Stressor Working Group Workshop Workshop
12/03/2020 - 14/03/2020
Copenhagen, Denmark

(Online) IOC Training Course on Identification of Marine Harmful Algal Bloom Species Training Course
09/11/2020 - 29/01/2021
University of Copenhagen, Department of Biology,
København K, Denmark

Training Course and Identification Qualification in Harmful Marine Microalgae, August-October 2023 Training Course
14/08/2023 - 26/10/2023
University of Copenhagen, Department of Biology,
København K, Denmark

IOC Officers meeting Meeting
05/01/2016 - 08/01/2016
Gilleleje Badehotel ,
Copenhagen, Denmark

Global Ocean Science Report - Editorial Board Meeting Workshop
24/05/2016 - 26/05/2016
Universitity of Copenhagen ,
Helsingør, Denmark

BEQUALM-IOC Phytoplankton proficiency test in the abundance and composition of marine microalgae Training Course
02/12/2012 - 04/12/2012
IOC Science and Communication Centre on Harmful Algae, University of Copenhagen University of Copenhagen, Department of Biology Øster Farimagsgade 2D,
Copenhagen K, Denmark

IAEA-IOC Training Course on Identification and Culture of Harmful Microalgae - Advanced Level Training Course
29/11/2015 - 12/12/2015
IOC Science and Communication Centre on Harmful Algae, University of Copenhagen University of Copenhagen, Department of Biology Øster Farimagsgade 2D,
Copenhagen K, Denmark

IOC-SCOR GEOHAB Scientific Steering Committee Metteing Meeting
14/06/2012 - 16/06/2012
IOC Science and Communication Centre on Harmful Algae, University of Copenhagen University of Copenhagen, Department of Biology Øster Farimagsgade 2D,
Copenhagen K, Denmark

Displaying 111 – 120 results of 172.
results per page.