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Your search for "" returned 45465 result(s).
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Displaying 821 – 830 results of 958.
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Second JCOMM Marine Instrument Workshop for ASIA-PACIFIC Training Course
03/12/2012 - 05/12/2012
National Centre for Ocean Standards and Metrology ,
Tianjin, China

Regional Training on “Strengthening Standard Operating Procedures for Tsunami Warning and the use of the ICG/PTWS PTWC New Enhanced Tsunami Products” Training Course
16/12/2013 - 20/12/2013
National Marine Environmental Forecasting Center / State Oceanic Administration No.8 Dahuisi Road, Haidian District,
Beijing, China, China

First Sino-African Forum on Marine Science and Technology Conference
26/11/2013 - 27/11/2013
Hangzhou, China

The Second Workshop of DBCP Capacity Building for the North Pacific Ocean and Its Marginal Seas with a Focus on Typhoon Workshop
22/10/2013 - 24/10/2013
State Key Lab of Satellite Ocean Environment DynamicsSecond Institute of Oceanography, SOAP.O.Box 120736 Bao-Chu North Road,
Hangzhou, Zhejiang, China

International Workshop on Operational Oceanography for Developing Countries (12th CAS-TWAS-WMO Forum) Workshop
09/09/2013 - 12/09/2013
International Center for Climate and Environment Sciences(ICCES) , Institute of Atmospheric Physics(IAP), Chinese Academy of Sciences(CAS) No.40, Huayanli, Chaoyang District, P.O.Box9804, Beijing ,
Beijing, China

Oceanology International China 2013 Conference
03/09/2013 - 05/09/2013
Shanghai, China, China

5th China (Shanghai) International Petrochemical Technology & Equipment Exhibition Visit
20/08/2013 - 22/08/2013
Beijing Zhenwei Exhibition Co., Ltd. 170 Beiyuan Road, Beijing China,
Beijing, Beijing, China

Third JCOMM Marine Instrument Workshop for the Asia-Pacific Region Workshop
22/07/2013 - 25/07/2013
Tianjin, China

Third JCOMM Marine Instrument Workshop for the Asia-Pacific Region Workshop
22/07/2013 - 25/07/2013
National Centre of Ocean Standard and Metrology No.219, the Western Jieyuan Road Nankai District,
Tianjin, China

Displaying 821 – 830 results of 958.
results per page.