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Advanced Search Results

Your search for "" returned 45465 result(s).
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Displaying 821 – 830 results of 1129.
results per page.

OceanTeacher Academy Course DM: Introduction to Marine Data for Young Scientists Training Course
06/09/2010 - 10/09/2010
UNESCO/IOC Project Office for IODEWandelaarkaai 7,
Oostende, West-Vlaanderen, Belgium

OceanTeacher Academy Course DM: Basic Marine Data Management: (i) ocean data collection development; (ii) intro to marine metadata; (iii) Ocean data products and synthesis Training Course
13/09/2010 - 24/09/2010
UNESCO/IOC Project Office for IODE Wandelaarkaai 7,
Oostende, West-Vlaanderen, Belgium

2nd Marine Board Forum: Towards a European Network of Marine Observatories for Monitoring and Research Conference
16/09/2010 - 16/09/2010
Auditorium Maria Baers, Martelaarsplein 7,
Brussels, Belgium

Meeting of the IODE Steering Group for the IODE OceanDataPortal Meeting
20/09/2010 - 22/09/2010
UNESCO/IOC Project Office for IODE Wandelaarkaai 7 - Pakhuis 61,
Oostende, Belgium

Third Session of the ODINBlack Sea Steering Committee Meeting
21/10/2010 - 22/10/2010
UNESCO/IOC Project Office for IODE Wandelaarkaai 7 - Pakhuis 61,
Oostende, Belgium

ODINAFRICA Marine Biodiversity data digitization for Guinea Training Course
25/10/2010 - 29/10/2010
UNESCO/IOC Project Office for IODE Wandelaarkaai 7,
Oostende, West-Vlaanderen, Belgium

Third Meeting of the Joint Steering Group for the IODE Ocean Data Portal and the WIGOS Pilot Project for JCOMM Meeting
01/11/2010 - 03/11/2010
UNESCO/IOC Project Office for IODE Wandelaarkaai 7 - Pakhuis 61,
Oostende, Belgium

OceanTeacher Academy Course DM: Marine and Coastal Atlas Development Training Course
22/11/2010 - 26/11/2010
UNESCO/IOC Project Office for IODE Wandelaarkaai 7,
Oostende, West-Vlaanderen, Belgium

Fourth Session of the JCOMM Data Management Coordination Group Meeting
08/04/2010 - 09/04/2010
UNESCO/IOC Project Office for IODE Wandelaarkaai 7 - Pakhuis 61,
Oostende, Belgium

OceanTeacher Academy Course MIM : Writing for Professional Publications Training Course
29/11/2010 - 03/12/2010
UNESCO/IOC Project Office for IODE Wandelaarkaai 7,
Oostende, West-Vlaanderen, Belgium

Displaying 821 – 830 results of 1129.
results per page.