Advanced Search

The advanced search allows you to elaborate your search options using "" and the boolean operators AND/OR.

e.g. SEARCH IN: Experts - FILTERS: Country is – KEYWORDS: Belgium
"" AND
SEARCH IN: Experts – FILTERS: Email contains - KEYWORDS:
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Advanced Search Results

Your search for "" returned 45465 result(s).
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Displaying 1031 – 1040 results of 1129.
results per page.

First Session of the Steering Group meeting of the Ocean Data and information System [hybrid] Meeting
22/08/2022 - 22/08/2022
Wandelaarkaai 7,
Oostende, Belgium

3rd Steering Group meeting of the Ocean Infohub project [hybrid] Meeting
23/08/2022 - 25/08/2022
Wandelaarkaai 7,
Oostende, Belgium

Meeting of the IWG-DATAPOLICY - ONLINE 1000-1100 CET (possibly 1200) Meeting
23/09/2022 - 23/09/2022
InnovOcean Campus,
Oostende, Belgium

[Online] Third session of the OBIS Executive Committee Meeting
23/06/2020 - 25/06/2020

Marine genetic resources in areas beyond national jurisdiction: bridging policy, law, science and research and development Workshop
21/05/2019 - 22/05/2019
Martin's Brussels EU Hotel Boulevard Charlemagne 80,
Brussels, Belgium

2nd SeaDataCloud Training Course Training Course
19/06/2019 - 26/06/2019

Tools for Southern Ocean spatial analysis and modelling course Training Course
02/09/2019 - 06/09/2019
Brussels, Belgium

Displaying 1031 – 1040 results of 1129.
results per page.