templates/Search/advancedSearch.html.twig line 1

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  1. {% extends 'base.html.twig' %}
  2. {% block title %}OceanExpert - A Directory of Marine and Freshwater Professionals{% endblock %}
  3. {% block stylesheets %}
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  8.     <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="{{ asset('css/select2.min.css') }}">
  9.     <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="{{ asset('css/select2-bootstrap.css') }}">
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  11.     <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="{{ asset('css/autocomplete.min.css') }}">
  12.     <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="{{ asset('css/register.css') }}">
  13.     <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="{{ asset('css/tipped.css') }}">
  14.     <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="{{ asset('css/navbar-login.css') }}">
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  17.     <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="{{ asset('css/profile.css') }}">
  18.     <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="{{ asset('css/advancedSearch.css') }}">
  19.     <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="{{ asset('css/bootstrap-datepicker.min.css') }}">
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  22.         .send-mail {
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  30. {% endblock %}
  31. {% block body %}
  32.     {% include 'navbarlogin.html.twig' %}
  33.     <div class="container-fluid">
  34.         <div class="content">
  35.             <h3 class="heading">Advanced Search</h3>
  36.             <p>
  37.                 <i class="fa fa-info-circle fa-fw" aria-hidden="true"></i>
  38.                 Advanced search allows you to add the search categories using "<strong>SEARCH IN</strong>"
  39.                 and various filters based on categories using "<strong>FILTERS</strong>".<br />
  40.                 You can nest queries using "<i class="fa fa-plus fa-fw" aria-hidden="true"></i>" for more refined results.
  41.             </p>
  42.             <form action="" method="GET" class="advSearch">
  43.                 <div class="row" id="searchBox">
  44.                     {% if app.request.get('type')|length > 0 %}
  45.                         {% set increment = 0 %}
  46.                         {% for key,field in searchConditions %}
  47.                             <div class="formContent">
  48.                                 <div class="form-group">
  49.                                     <div class="col-xs-12 col-sm-12 col-md-3 col-lg-3">
  50.                                         <label
  51.                                                 for="type[{{ key }}]"
  52.                                                 class="col-sm-12">
  53.                                             SEARCH IN:
  54.                                         </label>
  55.                                         <select
  56.                                                 name="type[{{ key }}]"
  57.                                                 id="type[{{ key }}]"
  58.                                                 class="form-control searchType">
  59.                                             <option
  60.                                                     value="all"
  61.                                                     {% if field.type =="all" %}
  62.                                                 selected=""
  63.                                                     {% endif %}>
  64.                                                 All
  65.                                             </option>
  66.                                             <option
  67.                                                     value="experts"
  68.                                                     {% if field.type =="experts" %}
  69.                                                 selected=""
  70.                                                     {% endif %}>
  71.                                                 Experts
  72.                                             </option>
  73.                                             <option
  74.                                                     value="institutions"
  75.                                                     {% if field.type =="institutions" %}
  76.                                                 selected=""
  77.                                                     {% endif %}>
  78.                                                 Institutions
  79.                                             </option>
  80.                                             <option
  81.                                                     value="events"
  82.                                                     {% if field.type =="events" %}
  83.                                                 selected=""
  84.                                                     {% endif %}>
  85.                                                 Events
  86.                                             </option>
  87.                                             <option
  88.                                                     value="documents"
  89.                                                     {% if field.type =="documents" %}
  90.                                                 selected=""
  91.                                                     {% endif %}>
  92.                                                 Documents
  93.                                             </option>
  94.                                         </select>
  95.                                     </div>
  96.                                     <div class="col-xs-12 col-sm-6 col-md-3 col-lg-3">
  97.                                         <label for="filter[{{ key }}]" class="col-sm-12">FILTERS:</label>
  98.                                         <select name="filter[{{ key }}]" id="filter[{{ key }}]"
  99.                                                 class="form-control filters">
  100.                                             <option value="{{ field.filter }}" selected>{{ field.filter }}</option>
  101.                                             {% if field.type =="experts" %}
  102.                                                 <option value="Activities include">Activities include</option>
  103.                                                 <option value="Country is">Country is</option>
  104.                                                 <option value="In multiple countries">In multiple countries</option>
  105.                                                 <option value="Created">Created between (dates included)</option>
  106.                                                 <option value="Current address contains">Current address contains
  107.                                                 </option>
  108.                                                 <option value="Current/Previous addresses contain">Current/Previous
  109.                                                     addresses contain
  110.                                                 </option>
  111.                                                 <option value="Degree contains">Degree contains</option>
  112.                                                 <option value="Department contains">Department contains</option>
  113.                                                 <option value="Email contains">Email contains</option>
  114.                                                 <option value="First name contains">First name contains</option>
  115.                                                 <option value="Institution name contains">Institution name
  116.                                                     contains
  117.                                                 </option>
  118.                                                 <option value="Is deceased">Is deceased</option>
  119.                                                 <option value="Is quality checked">Is quality checked</option>
  120.                                                 <option value="Is retired">Is retired</option>
  121.                                                 <option value="Job title contains">Job title contains</option>
  122.                                                 <option value="Job type is">Job type is</option>
  123.                                                 <option value="Last name contains">Last name contains</option>
  124.                                                 <option value="Member of group or sub-group">Member of group or
  125.                                                     sub-group
  126.                                                 </option>
  127.                                                 <option value="Name contains">Name contains</option>
  128.                                                 <option value="Phone/Fax contains">Phone/Fax contains</option>
  129.                                                 <option value="Quality last checked">Quality last checked</option>
  130.                                                 <option value="Sea regions of study is">Sea regions of study is
  131.                                                 </option>
  132.                                                 <option value="Subject Area is">Subject Area is</option>
  133.                                                 <option value="Unique Identifier">Unique Identifier is</option>
  134.                                                 <option value="Updated">Updated between (dates included)</option>
  135.                                                 <option value="Website URL contains">Website URL contains</option>
  136.                                                 <option value="Working languages includes">Working languages
  137.                                                     includes
  138.                                                 </option>
  139.                                                 {% if is_granted('ROLE_GLOBAL_EDITOR') %}
  140.                                                     <option value="Comment contains">Comment contains</option>
  141.                                                     <option value="Do Not Invite">Do Not Invite</option>
  142.                                                     <option value="Gender is">Gender is</option>
  143.                                                     <option value="Is Active">Is Active</option>
  144.                                                 {% endif %}
  145.                                             {% elseif field.type =="institutions" %}
  146.                                                 <option value="Activities contains">Activities contains</option>
  147.                                                 <option value="Country is">Country is</option>
  148.                                                 <option value="Created">Created between (dates included)</option>
  149.                                                 <option value="Current address contains">Current address contains
  150.                                                 </option>
  151.                                                 <option value="Current/Previous addresses contain">Current/Previous
  152.                                                     addresses contain
  153.                                                 </option>
  154.                                                 <option value="EDMO Code is">EDMO Code is</option>
  155.                                                 <option value="Name contains">Name contains</option>
  156.                                                 <option value="Sea regions of study is">Sea regions of study is
  157.                                                 </option>
  158.                                                 <option value="Tel/Fax contains">Tel/Fax contains</option>
  159.                                                 <option value="Type is">Type is</option>
  160.                                                 <option value="Updated">Updated between (dates included)</option>
  161.                                                 <option value="Website URL contains">Website URL contains</option>
  162.                                             {% elseif field.type =="events" %}
  163.                                                 <option value="Title contains">Title contains</option>
  164.                                                 <option value="Type is">Type is</option>
  165.                                                 <option value="Summary contains">Summary contains</option>
  166.                                                 <option value="Address contains">Address contains</option>
  167.                                                 <option value="Country is">Country is</option>
  168.                                                 <option value="In Group">Country is</option>
  169.                                                 <option value="Starts">Starts</option>
  170.                                                 <option value="Ends">Ends</option>
  171.                                                 <option value="Updated">Updated between (dates included)</option>
  172.                                                 <option value="Created">Created between (dates included)</option>
  173.                                             {% elseif field.type =="documents" %}
  174.                                                 <option value="Title contains">Title contains</option>
  175.                                                 <option value="Type is">Type is</option>
  176.                                                 <option value="Summary contains">Summary contains</option>
  177.                                                 <option value="Created">Created between (dates included)</option>
  178.                                             {% endif %}
  179.                                         </select>
  180.                                     </div>
  181.                                     <div class="col-xs-12 col-sm-12 col-md-6 col-lg-6">
  182.                                         <label for="keywords[{{ key }}]" class="col-sm-12">KEYWORDS:</label>
  183.                                         <div class="input-group">
  184.                                             <input type="text" name="keywords[{{ key }}]" id="keywords[{{ key }}]"
  185.                                                    class="form-control"
  186.                                                    value="{% if field.keywords is not iterable %}{{ field.keywords|convert_encoding('UTF-8', 'iso-2022-jp') }}{% endif %}"
  187.                                                    required="required" title="keywords"
  188.                                                    placeholder="Enter your search keyword(s)">
  189.                                             {% if loop.last %}
  190.                                                 <span class="input-group-addon btn btn-primary btn-remove"><span
  191.                                                             class="glyphicon glyphicon-minus"></span></span><span
  192.                                                     class="input-group-addon btn btn-primary btn-add"><span
  193.                                                         class="glyphicon glyphicon-plus"></span></span>
  194.                                             {% else %}
  195.                                                 <span class="input-group-addon btn btn-primary btn-remove"><span
  196.                                                             class="glyphicon glyphicon-minus"></span></span>
  197.                                             {% endif %}
  198.                                         </div>
  199.                                     </div>
  200.                                 </div>
  201.                                 <div
  202.                                         class="col-xs-12 col-sm-12 col-md-12 col-lg-12 operation"
  203.                                         {% if loop.last %}
  204.                                     style="display:none;"
  205.                                         {% endif %}>
  206.                                     <div class="no-checkedselector spacer">
  207.                                         <div class="toggle-container">
  208.                                             <input
  209.                                                     id="toggle-OR[{{ key }}]"
  210.                                                     class="toggle toggle-left"
  211.                                                     name="toggle[{{ key }}]"
  212.                                                     value="OR"
  213.                                                     type="radio"
  214.                                                     {% if field.toggle=="OR" %}
  215.                                                 checked=""
  216.                                                     {% endif %}>
  217.                                             <label
  218.                                                     for="toggle-OR[{{ key }}]"
  219.                                                     class="btn btn-default">
  220.                                                 OR
  221.                                             </label>
  222.                                             <input
  223.                                                     id="toggle-AND[{{ key }}]"
  224.                                                     class="toggle toggle-right"
  225.                                                     name="toggle[{{ key }}]"
  226.                                                     value="AND"
  227.                                                     type="radio"
  228.                                                     {% if field.toggle=="AND" %}
  229.                                                 checked=""
  230.                                                     {% endif %}>
  231.                                             <label
  232.                                                     for="toggle-AND[{{ key }}]"
  233.                                                     class="btn btn-default">
  234.                                                 AND
  235.                                             </label>
  236.                                         </div>
  237.                                     </div>
  238.                                 </div>
  239.                             </div>
  240.                             {% set increment = key %}
  241.                         {% endfor %}
  242.                         <div class="incremeter">{{ increment + 1 }}</div>
  243.                     {% else %}
  244.                         <div class="incremeter">1</div>
  245.                         <div class="formContent">
  246.                             <div class="form-group">
  247.                                 <div class="col-xs-12 col-sm-12 col-md-3 col-lg-3">
  248.                                     <label for="type[0]" class="col-sm-12">SEARCH IN:</label>
  249.                                     <select
  250.                                             name="type[0]"
  251.                                             id="type[0]"
  252.                                             class="form-control searchType">
  253.                                         <option
  254.                                                 value="all"
  255.                                                 selected="selected">
  256.                                             All
  257.                                         </option>
  258.                                         <option
  259.                                                 value="experts">
  260.                                             Experts
  261.                                         </option>
  262.                                         <option
  263.                                                 value="events">
  264.                                             Events
  265.                                         </option>
  266.                                         <option
  267.                                                 value="institutions">
  268.                                             Institutions
  269.                                         </option>
  270.                                         <option
  271.                                                 value="documents">
  272.                                             Documents
  273.                                         </option>
  274.                                     </select>
  275.                                 </div>
  276.                                 <div class="col-xs-12 col-sm-6 col-md-3 col-lg-3">
  277.                                     <label for="filter[0]" class="col-sm-12">FILTERS:</label>
  278.                                     <select name="filter[0]" id="filter[0]" class="form-control  filters">
  279.                                         <option value="" disabled selected>Select your option</option>
  280.                                     </select>
  281.                                 </div>
  282.                                 <div class="col-xs-12 col-sm-12 col-md-6 col-lg-6">
  283.                                     <label for="keywords[0]" class="col-sm-12">KEYWORDS:</label>
  284.                                     <div class="input-group">
  285.                                         <input
  286.                                                 type="text"
  287.                                                 name="keywords[0]"
  288.                                                 id="keywords[0]"
  289.                                                 class="form-control"
  290.                                                 value=""
  291.                                                 required="required"
  292.                                                 title="keywords"
  293.                                                 placeholder="Enter your search keyword(s)"/>
  294.                                         <span
  295.                                                 class="input-group-addon btn btn-primary btn-add">
  296.                                         <span
  297.                                                 class="glyphicon glyphicon-plus">
  298.                                         </span>
  299.                                     </span>
  300.                                     </div>
  301.                                 </div>
  302.                             </div>
  303.                             <div class="col-xs-12 col-sm-12 col-md-12 col-lg-12 operation" style="display:none;">
  304.                                 <div class="no-checkedselector spacer">
  305.                                     <div class="toggle-container">
  306.                                         <input
  307.                                                 id="toggle-OR[0]"
  308.                                                 class="toggle toggle-left"
  309.                                                 name="toggle[0]"
  310.                                                 value="OR"
  311.                                                 type="radio"/>
  312.                                         <label
  313.                                                 for="toggle-OR[0]"
  314.                                                 class="btn btn-default">
  315.                                             OR
  316.                                         </label>
  317.                                         <input
  318.                                                 id="toggle-AND[0]"
  319.                                                 class="toggle toggle-right"
  320.                                                 name="toggle[0]"
  321.                                                 value="AND"
  322.                                                 type="radio">
  323.                                         <label
  324.                                                 for="toggle-AND[0]"
  325.                                                 class="btn btn-default">
  326.                                             AND
  327.                                         </label>
  328.                                     </div>
  329.                                 </div>
  330.                             </div>
  331.                         </div>
  332.                     {% endif %}
  333.                 </div>
  334.                 <div class="row">
  335.                     <div class="col-sm-6">
  336.                         <input
  337.                                 type="hidden"
  338.                                 name="action"
  339.                                 value="advSearch"/>
  340.                         <button
  341.                                 type="submit"
  342.                                 class="btn btn-primary btn-search spacer ">
  343.                             Search <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-search"></span>
  344.                         </button>
  345.                     </div>
  346.                 </div>
  347.             </form>
  348.             <div class="heading"></div>
  349.             {% if data is defined %}
  350.                 {% if app.request.get('filterType') is defined %}
  351.                     {% set filterType = app.request.get('filterType')|split(',') %}
  352.                 {% endif %}
  353.                 {% if data.getParams is defined and data.getParams is not empty %}
  354.                     <div class="row">
  355.                         <div class="col-md-2 col-lg-2">
  356.                             <div class="heading top-buffer10">
  357.                                 <strong>
  358.                                     Categories
  359.                                 </strong>
  360.                                 <small class="hide-content hide-categories">
  361.                                     hide
  362.                                 </small>
  363.                             </div>
  364.                             {% for catKey, category in filters.type %}
  365.                                 {% if category is defined and category > 0 %}
  366.                                     <div class="checkbox categories">
  367.                                         <label>
  368.                                             {% if (filters.type|length > 1)
  369.                                                 and (
  370.                                                         (data.getParams.action is defined
  371.                                                             and data.getParams.action != "browse"
  372.                                                         )
  373.                                                         or (
  374.                                                             data.getParams.type is defined
  375.                                                                 and data.getParams.type == "all"
  376.                                                         )
  377.                                                 )
  378.                                             %}
  379.                                                 <input
  380.                                                         type="checkbox"
  381.                                                         class="icheck"
  382.                                                         value="{{ catKey }}"
  383.                                                         {% if catKey in filterType %}
  384.                                                             checked="checked"
  385.                                                         {% endif %}
  386.                                                 />
  387.                                                 <span class="cr">
  388.                                                     <i class="cr-icon glyphicon glyphicon-ok"></i>
  389.                                                 </span>
  390.                                             {% endif %}
  391.                                             {{ catKey|capitalize }}
  392.                                             ({% if category is defined %}
  393.                                             {{ category }}
  394.                                         {% else %}
  395.                                             0
  396.                                         {% endif %})
  397.                                         </label>
  398.                                     </div>
  399.                                 {% endif %}
  400.                             {% endfor %}
  401.                             {% if filters.country is defined and filters.country is not empty %}
  402.                                 <div class="heading top-buffer10">
  403.                                     <strong>
  404.                                         Countries
  405.                                     </strong>
  406.                                     <small class="hide-content hide-countries">
  407.                                         hide
  408.                                     </small>
  409.                                 </div>
  410.                                 <ul class="searchCat countries">
  411.                                     {% for country, count in filters.country %}
  412.                                         <li>
  413.                                             <a
  414.                                                     href="{{ path(app.request.attributes.get('_route'),app.request.query.all|merge({'filterCountry': country,'page':1})) }}">
  415.                                                 {{ country }}
  416.                                             </a>
  417.                                             ({{ count }})
  418.                                         </li>
  419.                                     {% endfor %}
  420.                                     {% if filters.country|length >20 %}
  421.                                         {% if filters.country|length == 21 %}
  422.                                             <div class="loadMore" onclick="loadMorefilters('countries');">[ +1 More
  423.                                                 country ]
  424.                                             </div>
  425.                                         {% else %}
  426.                                             <div class="loadMore" onclick="loadMorefilters('countries');">[
  427.                                                 +{{ filters.country|length - 20 }} More countries ]
  428.                                             </div>
  429.                                         {% endif %}
  430.                                         <div class="showLess" onclick="showLessfilters('countries')">[ Less countries
  431.                                             ]
  432.                                         </div>
  433.                                     {% endif %}
  434.                                 </ul>
  435.                             {% endif %}
  436.                         </div>
  437.                         <div class="col-xs-12 col-sm-12 col-md-10 col-lg-10 ">
  438.                             <div class="row">
  439.                                 <div class="col-xs-12 col-sm-12 col-md-12 col-lg-12">
  440.                                     <h3 class="heading">{{ searchResultType }}</h3>
  441.                                 </div>
  442.                                 <div class="col-xs-12 col-sm-8 col-md-8 col-lg-8">
  443.                                     {% if data.getParams is defined %}
  444.                                         {% if searchResultText is defined %}
  445.                                             <div class="top-padding10">{{ searchResultText | raw }}</div>
  446.                                         {% endif %}
  447.                                     {% endif %}
  448.                                 </div>
  449.                                     <div class="col-xs-12 col-sm-8 col-md-8 col-lg-8 top-buffer">
  450.                                         Applied Filters:
  451.                                         {% if appliedFilters | length > 0 %}
  452.                                             {% for key,searchfilter in appliedFilters %}
  453.                                                 <label href="#" class="label label-primary filter-label" data-index="1"
  454.                                                        data-value="{{ searchfilter }}">{{ searchfilter }} Ã—</label>
  455.                                             {% endfor %}
  456.                                         {% endif %}
  457.                                         {% if appliedCountryFilters | length > 0 %}
  458.                                             {% for key,searchfilter in appliedCountryFilters %}
  459.                                                 <label href="#" class="label label-primary countryfilter-label" data-index="1"
  460.                                                        data-value="{{ searchfilter }}">{{ searchfilter }} Ã—</label>
  461.                                             {% endfor %}
  462.                                         {% endif %}
  463.                                         {% if appliedCountryFilters | length == 0 and appliedFilters | length == 0%}
  464.                                             no filters applied
  465.                                         {% endif %}
  466.                                     </div>
  467.                                 <div class="col-xs-12 col-sm-4 col-md-4 col-lg-4">
  468.                                     {% if data.getTotalItemCount > 1 %}
  469.                                         {% if sortfields is defined and sortfields|length > 0 %}
  470.                                             <div class="pull-right form-inline">
  471.                                                 Sort Result by:
  472.                                                 <select id="sortby" class="form-control ">
  473.                                                     {% for key, sort in sortfields|sort %}
  474.                                                         {% if key == sortby %}
  475.                                                             {% if app.request.get('sortby') != "" %}
  476.                                                                 <option value="{{ key }}">{{ sort }}</option>
  477.                                                             {% else %}
  478.                                                                 <option value="{{ key }}"
  479.                                                                         selected="selected">{{ sort }}</option>
  480.                                                             {% endif %}
  481.                                                         {% else %}
  482.                                                             <option value="{{ key }}">{{ sort }}</option>
  483.                                                         {% endif %}
  484.                                                     {% endfor %}
  485.                                                 </select>
  486.                                             </div>
  487.                                         {% endif %}
  488.                                     {% endif %}
  489.                                 </div>
  490.                             </div>
  491.                             {% if data.getTotalItemCount is defined and data.getTotalItemCount > 0 %}
  492.                                 <div class="row spacer">
  493.                                     {# <div class="col-md-12"> #}
  494.                                     <div class="col-md-3 search-display">
  495.                                         Displaying {{ data.getPaginationData.firstItemNumber }}
  496.                                         â€“ {{ data.getPaginationData.lastItemNumber }} results
  497.                                         of {{ data.getTotalItemCount }}.
  498.                                     </div>
  499.                                     <div class="form-inline col-md-3">
  500.                                         {% if data.getTotalItemCount >10 %}
  501.                                             <select name="resultCnt" class="form-control  resultCnt">
  502.                                                 <option value="10">10</option>
  503.                                                 <option value="20">20</option>
  504.                                                 <option value="50">50</option>
  505.                                                 <option value="100">100</option>
  506.                                             </select> results per page.
  507.                                         {% endif %}
  508.                                     </div>
  509.                                     <div class="col-md-6">
  510.                                         <div class="navigation pagination-sm pull-right">
  511.                                             {{ knp_pagination_render(data) }}
  512.                                         </div>
  513.                                     </div>
  514.                                 </div>
  515.                                 <div class="row list-group">
  516.                                     <div class="col-md-12">
  517.                                         {% for item in data %}
  518.                                             <div class="item  col-xs-4 col-lg-4 list-group-item">
  519.                                                 <div class="thumbnail">
  520.                                                     {% if item.type == "experts" %}
  521.                                                         <a
  522.                                                                 href="{{ path('view_profile', {'user': item.id_ind}) }}"
  523.                                                                 class="profile-url">
  524.                                                             <img
  525.                                                                     class="group list-group-image lazy img-thumbnail img-responsive"
  526.                                                                     data-original="{% if file_exists(web_path~asset('uploads/profile/profile_'~item.id_ind~'.png')) %}{{ asset('uploads/profile/profile_'~item.id_ind~'.png') }}{% endif %}"
  527.                                                                     src="{{ asset('assets/uploads/default.png') }}"
  528.                                                                     onError="this.src='{{ asset('assets/uploads/default.png') }}';"
  529.                                                                     alt="profile image"/>
  530.                                                         </a>
  531.                                                         <div class="caption">
  532.                                                             <p
  533.                                                                     class="group inner list-group-item-text">
  534.                                                                 <strong>
  535.                                                                     <a
  536.                                                                             href="{{ path('view_profile', {'user': item.id_ind}) }}"
  537.                                                                             {% if item.status == 2 %}
  538.                                                                                 class="profile-url text-danger tipso"
  539.                                                                                 title="Deleted record"
  540.                                                                                 data-tipped-options="skin: 'red'"
  541.                                                                             {% elseif item.status == 0 %}
  542.                                                                                 class="profile-url text-warning tipso"
  543.                                                                                 title="Deactivated record"
  544.                                                                                 data-tipped-options="skin: 'red'"
  545.                                                                             {% elseif item.status == 3 %}
  546.                                                                                 class="profile-url text-warning tipso"
  547.                                                                                 title="Deactivated record"
  548.                                                                                 data-tipped-options="skin: 'red'"
  549.                                                                             {% endif %}
  550.                                                                     >{{ item.sname | raw | upper }} {{ item.mname | raw }} {{ item.fname | raw }}
  551.                                                                     </a>
  552.                                                                 </strong>
  553.                                                                 {% if item.quality_checked == 1 %}
  554.                                                                     <i
  555.                                                                             class="green fa fa-check-circle tipso"
  556.                                                                             title="User has been verified."></i>
  557.                                                                 {% endif %}
  558.                                                                 {{ item.jobtitle }}
  559.                                                                 {% if item.retired == 1 %}
  560.                                                                     <span class="label label-success">Retired</span>
  561.                                                                 {% endif %}
  562.                                                                 {% if item.deceased == 1 %}
  563.                                                                     <span class="label label-danger">Deceased</span>
  564.                                                                 {% endif %}
  565.                                                                 <br/>
  566.                                                                 {% if item.use_inst_addr == 1 %}
  567.                                                                     {% if item.inst_address !="" %}
  568.                                                                         {{ item.inst_address }},
  569.                                                                     {% endif %}
  570.                                                                     {% if item.instCity !="" %}
  571.                                                                         {{ item.instCity }},
  572.                                                                     {% endif %}
  573.                                                                     {% if item.country !="" %}
  574.                                                                         <strong>{{ item.country }}</strong>
  575.                                                                     {% endif %}
  576.                                                                 {% else %}
  577.                                                                     {% if item.addr_1 !="" %}
  578.                                                                         {{ item.addr_1 }},
  579.                                                                     {% endif %}
  580.                                                                     {% if item.addr_2 !="" %}
  581.                                                                         {{ item.addr_2 }},
  582.                                                                     {% endif %}
  583.                                                                     {% if item.city !="" %}
  584.                                                                         {{ item.city }},
  585.                                                                     {% endif %}
  586.                                                                     {% if item.state !="" %}
  587.                                                                         {{ item.state }},
  588.                                                                     {% endif %}
  589.                                                                     {% if item.postcode !="" %}
  590.                                                                         {{ item.postcode }},
  591.                                                                     {% endif %}
  592.                                                                     {% if item.country !="" %}
  593.                                                                         <strong>{{ item.country }}</strong>
  594.                                                                     {% endif %}
  595.                                                                 {% endif %}
  596.                                                             </p>
  597.                                                             {% if is_granted('ROLE_GLOBAL_EDITOR') %}
  598.                                                                 {% if item.events is defined and item.events > 0 %}
  599.                                                                     <a
  600.                                                                             href="#"
  601.                                                                             class="bold">
  602.                                                                         [Event(s): {{ item.events }} ]
  603.                                                                     </a>
  604.                                                                 {% endif %}
  605.                                                             {% endif %}
  606.                                                         </div>
  607.                                                     {% elseif item.type=="institutions" %}
  608.                                                         {% if item.inst_logo is defined and  item.inst_logo != "" %}
  609.                                                             {% set instUrl = asset('uploads/institutes/'~item.id_inst~'/'~item.inst_logo) %}
  610.                                                         {% else %}
  611.                                                             {% set instUrl = asset('assets/uploads/institute.png') %}
  612.                                                         {% endif %}
  613.                                                         <img
  614.                                                                 class="group list-group-image lazy  img-thumbnail img-responsive"
  615.                                                                 src="{{ instUrl }}"
  616.                                                                 data-original="{{ instUrl }}"
  617.                                                                 alt=""/>
  618.                                                         <div class="caption">
  619.                                                             <p class="group inner list-group-item-text">
  620.                                                                 <strong>
  621.                                                                     <a
  622.                                                                             href="{{ path('view_institution', {'instId': item.id_inst}) }}"
  623.                                                                             {% if item.activated == 0 %}
  624.                                                                                 class="profile-url text-warning tipso"
  625.                                                                                 title="Deactivated record"
  626.                                                                             {% elseif item.activated == 2 %}
  627.                                                                                 class="profile-url text-danger tipso"
  628.                                                                                 title="Deleted record"
  629.                                                                             {% elseif item.activated == 3 %}
  630.                                                                                 class="profile-url text-danger tipso"
  631.                                                                                 title="Deleted record"
  632.                                                                             {% else %}
  633.                                                                                 class="profile-url"
  634.                                                                             {% endif %}
  635.                                                                     >
  636.                                                                         {{ item.inst_name | raw }}
  637.                                                                     </a>
  638.                                                                 </strong>
  639.                                                                 <span class="label label-primary">{{ item.instType }}</span>
  640.                                                                 {% if item.inst_address|trim !="" %}
  641.                                                                     <br/>{{ item.inst_address | raw }}
  642.                                                                 {% endif %}
  643.                                                                 {% if item.instCity|trim !="" %}
  644.                                                                     <br/>{{ item.instCity | raw }}
  645.                                                                 {% endif %}
  646.                                                                 {% if item.instState|trim !="" %}
  647.                                                                     {{ item.instState | raw }}
  648.                                                                 {% endif %}
  649.                                                                 {% if item.country|trim !="" %}
  650.                                                                     <br/>
  651.                                                                     <strong>{{ item.country | raw }}</strong>
  652.                                                                 {% endif %}
  653.                                                             </p>
  654.                                                         </div>
  655.                                                     {% elseif item.type=="events" %}
  656.                                                         <img
  657.                                                                 class="group list-group-image lazy  img-thumbnail img-responsive"
  658.                                                                 src="{{ asset('assets/uploads/event.png') }}"
  659.                                                                 data-original="{{ asset('assets/uploads/event.png') }}"
  660.                                                                 alt=""/>
  661.                                                         <div class="caption">
  662.                                                             <p class="group inner list-group-item-text">
  663.                                                                 <strong>
  664.                                                                     <a
  665.                                                                             href="{{ path('view_event', {'event': item.id_event}) }}"
  666.                                                                             {% if item.activated == 2 %}
  667.                                                                                 class="profile-url text-danger tipso"
  668.                                                                                 title="Deleted record"
  669.                                                                                 data-tipped-options="skin: 'red'"
  670.                                                                             {% elseif item.activated == 0 %}
  671.                                                                                 class="profile-url text-warning tipso"
  672.                                                                                 title="Deactivated record"
  673.                                                                                 data-tipped-options="skin: 'red'"
  674.                                                                             {% endif %}
  675.                                                                     >
  676.                                                                         {{ item.name }}
  677.                                                                     </a>
  678.                                                                 </strong>
  679.                                                                 <span class="label label-warning">{{ item.eventtype }}</span>
  680.                                                                 <br/>
  681.                                                                 {% if item.start_on is defined and  item.start_on !="" %}
  682.                                                                     {{ item.start_on|date("d/m/Y") }} -
  683.                                                                 {% endif %}
  684.                                                                 {% if item.end_on is defined and item.end_on !="" %}
  685.                                                                     {{ item.end_on|date("d/m/Y") }}
  686.                                                                     <br/>
  687.                                                                 {% endif %}
  688.                                                                 {% if item.addr_1 !="" %}
  689.                                                                     {{ item.addr_1 | raw }},
  690.                                                                     <br/>
  691.                                                                 {% endif %}
  692.                                                                 {% if item.city !="" %}
  693.                                                                     {{ item.city | raw }},
  694.                                                                 {% endif %}
  695.                                                                 {% if item.state !="" %}
  696.                                                                     {{ item.state | raw }},
  697.                                                                 {% endif %}
  698.                                                                 {% if item.country !="" %}
  699.                                                                     <strong>{{ item.country | raw }}</strong>
  700.                                                                 {% endif %}
  701.                                                             </p>
  702.                                                         </div>
  703.                                                     {% elseif item.type=="documents" %}
  704.                                                         <img
  705.                                                                 class="group list-group-image lazy  img-thumbnail img-responsive"
  706.                                                                 src="{{ asset('assets/uploads/documents.png') }}"
  707.                                                                 data-original="{{ asset('assets/uploads/documents.png') }}"
  708.                                                                 alt="documents"/>
  709.                                                         <div class="caption">
  710.                                                             <p class="group inner list-group-item-text">
  711.                                                                 <strong>
  712.                                                                     <a
  713.                                                                             href="{{ path('view_document', {'idDoc': item.id_doc}) }}">
  714.                                                                         {{ item.title }}
  715.                                                                         {% if item.doc_code is defined and item.doc_code !="" %}
  716.                                                                             &nbsp;(doc code: {{ item.doc_code | raw }})
  717.                                                                         {% endif %}
  718.                                                                     </a>
  719.                                                                 </strong>
  720.                                                                 <span class="label label-warning">{{ item.documenttype }}</span>
  721.                                                                 <br/>
  722.                                                             </p>
  723.                                                         </div>
  724.                                                     {% endif %}
  725.                                                 </div>
  726.                                             </div>
  727.                                         {% endfor %}
  728.                                     </div>
  729.                                 </div>
  730.                                 <div class="row">
  731.                                     <div class="col-md-3 search-display">
  732.                                         Displaying {{ data.getPaginationData.firstItemNumber }}
  733.                                         â€“ {{ data.getPaginationData.lastItemNumber }} results
  734.                                         of {{ data.getTotalItemCount }}.
  735.                                     </div>
  736.                                     <div class="form-inline col-md-3">
  737.                                         {% if data.getTotalItemCount >10 %}
  738.                                             <select name="resultCnt" class="form-control resultCnt">
  739.                                                 <option value="10">10</option>
  740.                                                 <option value="20">20</option>
  741.                                                 <option value="50">50</option>
  742.                                                 <option value="100">100</option>
  743.                                             </select> results per page.
  744.                                         {% endif %}
  745.                                     </div>
  746.                                     <div class="col-md-6">
  747.                                         <div class="navigation pagination-sm pull-right">
  748.                                             {{ knp_pagination_render(data) }}
  749.                                         </div>
  750.                                     </div>
  751.                                 </div>
  752.                             {% endif %}
  753.                             <div class="heading"></div>
  754.                             {% if is_granted('ROLE_GLOBAL_EDITOR') %}
  755.                                 <button
  756.                                         href="#compose-mail"
  757.                                         data-toggle="modal"
  758.                                         class="btn btn-primary send-mail"><i class="fa fa-envelope-o fa-fw"></i>
  759.                                     Send an email to all experts in these search results
  760.                                 </button>
  761.                             {% endif %}
  762.                         </div>
  763.                     </div>
  764.                 {% endif %}
  765.             {% endif %}
  766.         </div>
  767.         {% if is_granted('ROLE_GLOBAL_EDITOR') %}
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  852.                                                             <td>Recipient name (first name &amp; surname)</td>
  853.                                                         </tr>
  854.                                                         <tr>
  855.                                                             <td>_FNAME_</td>
  856.                                                             <td>Recipient first name</td>
  857.                                                         </tr>
  858.                                                         <tr>
  859.                                                             <td>_SNAME_</td>
  860.                                                             <td>Recipient surname</td>
  861.                                                         </tr>
  862.                                                         <tr>
  863.                                                             <td>_TITLE_</td>
  864.                                                             <td>Recipient title</td>
  865.                                                         </tr>
  866.                                                         </tbody>
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  1089.                         "Member of group or sub-group": "Member of group or sub-group",
  1090.                         "Job type is": "Job type is",
  1091.                         "Job title contains": "Job title contains",
  1092.                         "Department contains": "Department contains",
  1093.                         "Institution name contains": "Institution name contains",
  1094.                         "Subject Area is": "Subject Area is",
  1095.                         "Activities include": "Detailed Activities include",
  1096.                         "Working languages includes": "Working languages includes",
  1097.                         "Degree contains": "Degree contains",
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  1104.                         "Created": "Created between (dates included)"
  1105.                     };
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  1119.                             text: val
  1120.                         }));
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  1133.                         "EDMO Code is": "EDMO Code is",
  1134.                         "Updated": "Updated between (dates included)",
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  1195.                             text: val
  1196.                         }));
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  1203.                 'Sea regions of study is': "{{ path('get_sea_regions') }}",
  1204.                 'Member of group or sub-group': "{{ path('get_member_groups') }}",
  1205.                 'Country is': "{{ path('get_countries') }}",
  1206.                 'Subject Area is': "{{ path('get_subject_area') }}",
  1207.                 'Type is': "{{ path('get_institution_types') }}",
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  1244.                     ) {
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  1249.                             }));
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  1269.                                     }));
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  1417.                 setTimeout(function () {
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  1424.                 }, 2000);
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  1433.                     {% endif %}
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