templates/Event/event.html.twig line 1

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  1. {% extends 'base.html.twig' %}
  2. {% block title %}
  3.     OceanExpert - A Directory of Marine and Freshwater Professionals
  4. {% endblock %}
  5. {% block stylesheets %}
  6.     <link
  7.             rel="stylesheet"
  8.             type="text/css"
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  10.             xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/html" />
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  12.     <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="{{ asset('css/square/blue.css') }}" />
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  17.     <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="{{ asset('css/tipped.css') }}" />
  18.     <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="{{ asset('css/navbar-login.css') }}" />
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  21.     <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="{{ asset('css/checkbox.css') }}" />
  22.     <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="{{ asset('css/profile.css') }}" />
  23.     <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="{{ asset('css/style.css') }}" />
  24.     <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="{{ asset('css/bootstrap-datepicker.min.css') }}" />
  25.     <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="{{ asset('css/nestable.modified.css') }}" />
  26.     <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="{{ asset('css/select.dataTables.min.css') }}" />
  27.     <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="{{ asset('css/dataTables.bootstrap.min.css') }}" />
  28.     <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="{{ asset('css/events.css') }}" />
  29.     <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="{{ asset('css/bootstrap-dialog.min.css') }}"/>
  30.     <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="{{ asset('css/dropzone.css') }}" />
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  33. {% endblock %}
  34. {% block body %}
  35.     {% include 'navbarlogin.html.twig' %}
  36.     <!-- JSON-LD will be used for SEO and OIH -->
  37.     <script type="application/ld+json">
  38.         {{ data.OIHData | raw }}
  39.     </script>
  40.     <div class="container-fluid">
  41.         <section class="content">
  42.             <div class="row">
  43.                 <div class="col-md-3">
  44.                     <!-- Profile Image -->
  45.                     <div class="box box-primary">
  46.                         <div class="box-body box-profile">
  47.                             <div class="text-center">
  48.                                 <i class="fa fa-calendar fa-4x" aria-hidden="true"></i>
  49.                                 <h2 class="event-title">
  50.                                     {% if data.event.details.title is defined %}
  51.                                         {{ data.event.details.title }}
  52.                                     {% endif %}
  53.                                     {% if data.event.details.shorttitle is defined %}
  54.                                         <br />
  55.                                         <small>{{ data.event.details.shorttitle }}</small>
  56.                                     {% endif %}
  57.                                 </h2>
  58.                                 {% if data.event.type.eventtypeName is defined  %}
  59.                                     <h4><span class="label label-primary">{{ data.event.type.eventtypeName }}</span></h4>
  60.                                 {% endif %}
  61.                                 {% if data.event.details.startOn is defined and data.event.details.endOn is defined %}
  62.                                     <h3 class="profile-username">
  63.                                         {% if data.event.details.startOn|date("m") != data.event.details.endOn|date("m") %}
  64.                                             {% if data.event.details.startOn|date("Y") != data.event.details.endOn|date("Y")  %}
  65.                                                 {{ data.event.details.startOn|date("d F Y") ~ ' - ' ~ data.event.details.endOn|date("d F Y") }}
  66.                                             {% else %}
  67.                                                 {{ data.event.details.startOn|date("d F") ~ ' - ' ~ data.event.details.endOn|date("d F Y") }}
  68.                                             {% endif %}
  69.                                         {% elseif data.event.details.startOn == data.event.details.endOn %}
  70.                                             {{ data.event.details.startOn | date("d F Y") }}
  71.                                         {% else %}
  72.                                             {{ data.event.details.startOn | date("d") ~ ' - ' ~ data.event.details.endOn | date("d F Y") }}
  73.                                         {% endif %}
  74.                                     </h3>
  75.                                 {% endif %}
  76.                                 {% if data.user is defined and data.user.canEditEvent == 1 %}
  77.                                     <p class="lead text-center print">
  78.                                         {% if app.user is defined and is_granted('ROLE_GLOBAL_EDITOR') %}
  79.                                             {% if data.event.details.status == 0 %}
  80.                                                 <button
  81.                                                         class="btn btn-success eventAction"
  82.                                                         data-status="1">
  83.                                                     <i class="fa fa-check fa-fw" aria-hidden="true"></i>
  84.                                                     Activate
  85.                                                 </button>
  86.                                             {% elseif data.event.details.status == 1 %}
  87.                                                 <button
  88.                                                         class="btn btn-danger eventAction"
  89.                                                         data-status="0">
  90.                                                     <i class="fa fa-ban fa-fw" aria-hidden="true"></i>
  91.                                                     Deactivate
  92.                                                 </button>
  93.                                             {% elseif data.event.details.status == 2 %}
  94.                                                 <button
  95.                                                         class="btn btn-warning eventAction"
  96.                                                         data-status="2">
  97.                                                     <i class="fa fa-times fa-fw" aria-hidden="true"></i>
  98.                                                     Delete
  99.                                                 </button>
  100.                                             {% elseif data.event.details.status == 3 %}
  101.                                                 <button
  102.                                                         class="btn btn-success eventAction"
  103.                                                         data-status="0">
  104.                                                     <i class="fa fa-check fa-fw" aria-hidden="true"></i>
  105.                                                     Undelete
  106.                                                 </button>
  107.                                             {% endif %}
  108.                                         {% endif %}
  109.                                         <a
  110.                                                 href="{{ path('edit_event',{'idEvent': data.event.details.idEvent}) }}"
  111.                                                 class="btn btn-primary">
  112.                                             <i class="fa fa-pencil fa-fw" aria-hidden="true"></i>
  113.                                             Edit Event
  114.                                         </a>
  115.                                     </p>
  116.                                 {% endif %}
  117.                                 {% if data.error is defined and data.error|length > 0 %}
  118.                                 <p class="btn-danger text-center ">
  119.                                     <i class="fa fa-warning" aria-hidden="true"></i> {{ data.error }}
  120.                                 </p>
  121.                                 {% endif %}
  122.                             </div>
  123.                         </div>
  124.                         <!-- /.box-body -->
  125.                     </div>
  126.                     <!-- /.box -->
  127.                     <!-- About Me Box -->
  128.                     <div class="box box-primary">
  129.                         <div class="box-body">
  130.                             <strong><i class="fa fa-map-marker fa-fw"></i> Location</strong>
  131.                             <p class="text-muted">
  132.                                 <address>
  133.                                 {% if data.event.details.idCountry == "0"  and data.event.details.useInstAddr == "0" %}
  134.                                     no location/online event
  135.                                 {% elseif data.event.details.address is defined and data.event.details.address | trim | length > 0  %}
  136.                                     {{ data.event.details.address | raw }}<br />
  137.                                 {% endif %}
  138.                                 </address>
  139.                             <hr />
  140.                             <strong>
  141.                                 <i class="fa fa-users fa-fw"></i>
  142.                                 Organiser(s) & Staff
  143.                             </strong>
  144.                             <div class="left-text">
  145.                                 {% if data.event.people.organisers is defined and data.event.people.organisers | length > 0  %}
  146.                                     <div class="staff-type">Organiser</div>
  147.                                     <ul class="staff-list">
  148.                                         {% for organiser in data.event.people.organisers %}
  149.                                             <li>
  150.                                                 <a
  151.                                                         href="{{ path('view_profile', {'user': organiser.id}) }}">
  152.                                                     {{ organiser.title ~ ' ' ~ organiser.fname ~ ' ' ~ organiser.sname | upper }}
  153.                                                 </a>
  154.                                             </li>
  155.                                         {% endfor %}
  156.                                     </ul>
  157.                                 {% endif %}
  158.                                 {% if data.event.people.staff is defined and data.event.people.staff | length > 0  %}
  159.                                     <div class="staff-type">Staff</div>
  160.                                     <ul class="staff-list">
  161.                                         {% for staff in data.event.people.staff %}
  162.                                             <li><a href="{{ path('view_profile', {'user': staff.id}) }}">{{ staff.title ~ ' ' ~ staff.fname ~ ' ' ~ staff.sname | upper }}</a></li>
  163.                                         {% endfor %}
  164.                                     </ul>
  165.                                 {% endif %}
  166.                             </div>
  167.                             <hr>
  168.                             <strong><i class="fa fa-hand-o-up fa-fw" aria-hidden="true"></i> Participation</strong>
  169.                             {% if data.event.details.isOpen == 0 %}
  170.                             {% elseif data.event.details.isOpen == 1 %}
  171.                                 <p class="left-text">Open attendance.</p>
  172.                             {% elseif data.event.details.isOpen == 2 %}
  173.                                 <p class="left-text">By invitation only.</p>
  174.                             {% elseif data.event.details.isOpen == 3 %}
  175.                                 <p class="left-text">Attendance by application.</p>
  176.                             {% endif %}
  177.                         </div>
  178.                         <!-- /.box-body -->
  179.                     </div>
  180.                     <!-- /.box -->
  181.                 </div>
  182.                 <!-- /.col -->
  183.                 <div class="col-md-9">
  184.                     <div class="nav-tabs-custom">
  185.                         <ul class="nav nav-tabs">
  186.                             <li
  187.                                     class="active">
  188.                                 <a
  189.                                         href="#overview"
  190.                                         data-toggle="tab"
  191.                                         aria-expanded="false">
  192.                                     Overview
  193.                                 </a>
  194.                             </li>
  195.                             {% if data.event.agenda is defined and data.event.agenda is not null %}
  196.                                 <li class="">
  197.                                     <a
  198.                                             href="#agenda"
  199.                                             data-toggle="tab"
  200.                                             aria-expanded="true">
  201.                                         Agenda
  202.                                     </a>
  203.                                 </li>
  204.                             {% endif %}
  205.                             {% if data.event.report | length + data.event.eventPresentations | length + data.event.agendaDocuments | length + data.event.backgroundDocs | length + data.event.otherDocs | length >0  %}
  206.                                 <li class="">
  207.                                     <a
  208.                                             href="#documents"
  209.                                             data-toggle="tab"
  210.                                             aria-expanded="false">
  211.                                         Documents
  212.                                     </a>
  213.                                 </li>
  214.                             {% endif %}
  215.                             {% if data.event.people.participants | length > 0 %}
  216.                                 <li class="">
  217.                                     <a
  218.                                             href="#participants"
  219.                                             data-toggle="tab"
  220.                                             aria-expanded="false">
  221.                                         Participants
  222.                                     </a>
  223.                                 </li>
  224.                             {% endif %}
  225.                         </ul>
  226.                         <div class="tab-content">
  227.                             <div class="tab-pane active" id="overview">
  228.                                 <div class="box-header with-border">
  229.                                     <span class="event-heading">
  230.                                         {% if data.event.details.title is defined %}
  231.                                             {{ data.event.details.title }}
  232.                                         {% endif %}
  233.                                     </span>
  234.                                     {% if data.event.details.regOnline == 1 %}
  235.                                         {#
  236.                                             see : #561
  237.                                             % if "now"|date('Y-m-d') < data.event.details.startOn|date('Y-m-d') %
  238.                                         #}
  239.                                         {% if "now"|date('Y-m-d') < data.event.details.endOn|date('Y-m-d') %}
  240.                                             <div class="register-event">
  241.                                                 <a
  242.                                                         href="{{ path('register_event',{idEvent:data.event.details.idEvent }) }}" >
  243.                                                     Register to participate in this event
  244.                                                 </a>
  245.                                                 {% if not is_granted('ROLE_USER') %}
  246.                                                     (you must <a
  247.                                                             href="/login">
  248.                                                         log in
  249.                                                     </a>, with an activated account, first!)
  250.                                                 {% endif %}
  251.                                             </div>
  252.                                         {% endif %}
  253.                                     {% endif %}
  254.                                 </div>
  255.                                 {% if data.event.eventImage != null %}
  256.                                     <div class="box-header with-border">
  257.                                         <img src="{{ asset(data.event.eventImage.path ~ data.event.eventImage.filename) }}" class="img-responsive" alt="Image">
  258.                                     </div>
  259.                                 {% endif %}
  260.                                 {% if data.event.details.summary is defined and data.event.details.summary != "" %}
  261.                                     <div class="box-header with-border">
  262.                                         <strong>Summary</strong>
  263.                                         <p class="justify">
  264.                                             {{ data.event.details.summary | raw}}
  265.                                         </p>
  266.                                     </div>
  267.                                 {% endif %}
  268.                                 {% if data.event.details.notes is defined and data.event.details.notes|trim  != "" %}
  269.                                     <div class="box-header with-border">
  270.                                         <strong>Notes</strong>
  271.                                         <p class="justify">
  272.                                             {{ data.event.details.notes| raw }}
  273.                                         </p>
  274.                                     </div>
  275.                                 {% endif %}
  276.                                 {% if data.event.details.website is defined and data.event.details.website != "" %}
  277.                                     <div class="box-header with-border">
  278.                                         <strong>Website: </strong><span class="event-website">
  279.                                         {% if data.event.details.website starts with 'http'  %}
  280.                                             <a
  281.                                                     href="{{ data.event.details.website }}"
  282.                                                     target="_blank">
  283.                                                 {{ data.event.details.website }}
  284.                                             </a>
  285.                                         {% else %}
  286.                                             <a
  287.                                                     href="http://{{ data.event.details.website }}"
  288.                                                     target="_blank">
  289.                                                 http://{{ data.event.details.website }}
  290.                                             </a>
  291.                                         {% endif %}
  292.                                         </span>
  293.                                     </div>
  294.                                 {% endif %}
  295.                                 {% if data.event.people.participants
  296.                                     | length > 0 or data.event.report
  297.                                     | length + data.event.eventPresentations
  298.                                     | length + data.event.agendaDocuments
  299.                                     | length + data.event.backgroundDocs
  300.                                     | length + data.event.otherDocs
  301.                                     | length >0 %}
  302.                                     <div class="box-header with-border">
  303.                                         <div class="row">
  304.                                             {% if data.event.people.participants | length > 0 %}
  305.                                                 <div class="col-sm-4 col-xs-12">
  306.                                                     <div class="media">
  307.                                                         <div class="media-left">
  308.                                                             <img alt="user icon" src="{{ asset('assets/uploads/user.png') }}" class="icons">
  309.                                                         </div>
  310.                                                         <div class="media-body">
  311.                                                             {% if data.event.people.numberOfParticipants > 0  %}
  312.                                                                 <div class="participants"><a href="javascript:void(0)" data-id="participants" class="navigate">{{ data.event.people.numberOfParticipants }} Participants</a></div>
  313.                                                             {% endif %}
  314.                                                             {% if (data.event.people.numberOfProvisional + data.event.people.numberOfUnapproved) > 0  %}
  315.                                                                 <div class="participants"><a href="javascript:void(0)" data-id="participants" class="navigate">{{ data.event.people.numberOfProvisional + data.event.people.numberOfUnapproved }} Provisional</a></div>
  316.                                                             {% endif %}
  317.                                                             <div class="pull-right"><a href="javascript:void(0)" data-id="participants" class="navigate">More...</a></div>
  318.                                                         </div>
  319.                                                     </div>
  320.                                                 </div>
  321.                                             {% endif %}
  322.                                             {% if data.event.people.participants | length > 0 %}
  323.                                                 <div class="col-sm-4 col-xs-12">
  324.                                                     <div class="media">
  325.                                                         <div class="media-left">
  326.                                                             <img
  327.                                                                     alt="report icon"
  328.                                                                     src="{{ asset('assets/uploads/report.png') }}"
  329.                                                                     class="icons" />
  330.                                                         </div>
  331.                                                         <div class="media-body">
  332.                                                             <a
  333.                                                                     href="javascript:void(0)"
  334.                                                                     data-id="participants"
  335.                                                                     class="navigate">
  336.                                                                 View detailed participants list
  337.                                                             </a><br />
  338.                                                             <a
  339.                                                                     href="{{ path('view_printable_participants',{idEvent: data.event.details.idEvent}) }}">
  340.                                                                 View a printable participants list
  341.                                                             </a><br />
  342.                                                             <div class="pull-right">
  343.                                                                 <a
  344.                                                                         href="javascript:void(0)"
  345.                                                                         data-id="participants"
  346.                                                                         class="navigate">
  347.                                                                     More...
  348.                                                                 </a>
  349.                                                             </div>
  350.                                                         </div>
  351.                                                     </div>
  352.                                                 </div>
  353.                                             {% endif %}
  354.                                             {% if data.event.report
  355.                                                 | length + data.event.eventPresentations
  356.                                                 | length + data.event.agendaDocuments
  357.                                                 | length + data.event.backgroundDocs
  358.                                                 | length + data.event.otherDocs
  359.                                                 | length >0  %}
  360.                                                 <div class="col-sm-4 col-xs-12">
  361.                                                     <div class="media">
  362.                                                         <div class="media-left">
  363.                                                             <img
  364.                                                                     alt="document icon"
  365.                                                                     src="{{ asset('assets/uploads/documents.png') }}"
  366.                                                                     class="icons" />
  367.                                                         </div>
  368.                                                         <div class="media-body">
  369.                                                             {% if data.event.report is not null and data.event.report | length > 0 %}
  370.                                                                 <a
  371.                                                                         href="javascript:void(0)"
  372.                                                                         data-id="documents"
  373.                                                                         class="navigate">
  374.                                                                     Final R
  375.                                                                     eport</a><br />
  376.                                                             {% endif %}
  377.                                                             {% if data.event.eventPresentations is not null and data.event.eventPresentations | length >0 %}
  378.                                                                 Presentations: <a
  379.                                                                     href="javascript:void(0)"
  380.                                                                     data-id="documents"
  381.                                                                     class="navigate">
  382.                                                                 {{ data.event.eventPresentations | length }}
  383.                                                                 </a><br />
  384.                                                             {% endif %}
  385.                                                             {% if data.event.agendaDocuments is not null and data.event.agendaDocuments | length >0 %}
  386.                                                                 Agenda Documents: <a
  387.                                                                     href="javascript:void(0)"
  388.                                                                     data-id="documents"
  389.                                                                     class="navigate">
  390.                                                                 {{ data.event.agendaDocuments | length }}
  391.                                                                 </a><br />
  392.                                                             {% endif %}
  393.                                                             {% if data.event.backgroundDocs is not null and data.event.backgroundDocs | length >0 %}
  394.                                                                 Background Documents: <a
  395.                                                                     href="javascript:void(0)"
  396.                                                                     data-id="documents"
  397.                                                                     class="navigate">
  398.                                                                 {{ data.event.backgroundDocs | length }}
  399.                                                                 </a><br />
  400.                                                             {% endif %}
  401.                                                             {% if data.event.otherDocs is not null and data.event.otherDocs | length >0 %}
  402.                                                                 Other Documents: <a
  403.                                                                     href="javascript:void(0)"
  404.                                                                     data-id="documents"
  405.                                                                     class="navigate">
  406.                                                                 {{ data.event.otherDocs | length }}
  407.                                                                 </a><br />
  408.                                                             {% endif %}
  409.                                                             <div class="pull-right">
  410.                                                                 <a
  411.                                                                         href="javascript:void(0)"
  412.                                                                         data-id="documents"
  413.                                                                         class="navigate">
  414.                                                                     More...
  415.                                                                 </a>
  416.                                                             </div>
  417.                                                         </div>
  418.                                                     </div>
  419.                                                 </div>
  420.                                             {% endif %}
  421.                                         </div>
  422.                                         {% if data.user is defined and data.user.canSendEmail == 1 and data.event.people.participants | length > 0 %}
  423.                                             <div
  424.                                                     class="mail-btn">
  425.                                                 <button
  426.                                                         href="#compose-mail"
  427.                                                         data-toggle="modal"
  428.                                                         {% if data.event.details.status == 1 %}
  429.                                                         class="btn btn-primary"
  430.                                                         {% else %}
  431.                                                         class="btn btn-red"
  432.                                                         {% endif %}
  433.                                                         id="compose"
  434.                                                         style="">
  435.                                                     <i class="fa fa-envelope-o fa-fw"></i>
  436.                                                     Send an email to all confirmed participants of this event.
  437.                                                 </button>
  438.                                             </div>
  439.                                         {% endif %}
  440.                                         <br/>
  441.                                         {% if is_granted('ROLE_USER') %}
  442.                                         <a
  443.                                                 href="{{ path('download_event_participants_info',{idEvent: data.event.details.idEvent}) }}"
  444.                                                 target="_blank">
  445.                                             <button
  446.                                                     class="btn btn-primary"
  447.                                                     id="export"
  448.                                                     style="display: block;">
  449.                                                 <i class="fa fa-download fa-fw"></i>
  450.                                                 Export participants info as CSV
  451.                                             </button>
  452.                                         </a>
  453.                                         {% endif %}
  454.                                     </div>
  455.                                 {% endif %}
  456.                             </div>
  457.                             <!-- /.tab-pane -->
  458.                             <div class="tab-pane" id="agenda">
  459.                                 <div class="printable-links">
  460.                                     <a
  461.                                             href="{{ path('view_agenda_printable',{idEvent: data.event.details.idEvent}) }}">
  462.                                         [View a simple printable version of this agenda]
  463.                                     </a><br />
  464.                                     <a
  465.                                             href="{{ path('view_annonated_agenda_printable',{idEvent: data.event.details.idEvent}) }}">
  466.                                         [View an annotated printable version of this agenda]
  467.                                     </a>
  468.                                 </div>
  469.                                 <div
  470.                                         class="btn-group"
  471.                                         role="group"
  472.                                         id="nestable-menu">
  473.                                     <button
  474.                                             type="button"
  475.                                             class="btn btn-default"
  476.                                             data-action="expand-all">
  477.                                         Expand All
  478.                                     </button>
  479.                                     <button
  480.                                             type="button"
  481.                                             class="btn btn-default"
  482.                                             data-action="collapse-all">
  483.                                         Collapse All
  484.                                     </button>
  485.                                 </div>
  486.                                 <div class="dd dd-nodrag" id="nestable">
  487.                                     <ul class="dd-list dd-nodrag"></ul>
  488.                                 </div>
  489.                             </div>
  490.                             <!-- /.tab-pane -->
  491.                             <div class="tab-pane" id="documents">
  492.                                 {% if data.event.report|length >0 %}
  493.                                     <div class="box-header with-border">
  494.                                         <span class="event-heading">
  495.                                             Report
  496.                                         </span>
  497.                                         <div class="box-body">
  498.                                             <div class="box-body">
  499.                                                 <table
  500.                                                         class="table table-striped table-bordered dataTable dt-responsive wrap"
  501.                                                         style="width: 100%;">
  502.                                                     <thead>
  503.                                                     <tr>
  504.                                                         <th class="all">Code</th>
  505.                                                         <th>Name</th>
  506.                                                         <th>Updated on</th>
  507.                                                         <th class="all text-right">Action</th>
  508.                                                     </tr>
  509.                                                     </thead>
  510.                                                     <tbody>
  511.                                                     {% for document in data.event.report %}
  512.                                                         <tr>
  513.                                                             <td>{{ document.docCode }}</td>
  514.                                                             <td>
  515.                                                                 <a
  516.                                                                         href="/document/{{ document.idDoc }}"
  517.                                                                         class="view-document"
  518.                                                                         data-docid="{{ document.idDoc }}">
  519.                                                                     {{ document.title }}
  520.                                                                 </a>
  521.                                                             </td>
  522.                                                             <td>{{ document.updatedAt|date("d/m/Y") }}</td>
  523.                                                             <td>
  524.                                                                 <div class="btn-group pull-right">
  525.                                                                     <i
  526.                                                                             class="fa fa-download fa-2x download-document"
  527.                                                                             aria-hidden="true"
  528.                                                                             data-idDoc="{{ document.idDoc }}" >
  529.                                                                     </i>
  530.                                                                 </div>
  531.                                                             </td>
  532.                                                         </tr>
  533.                                                     {% endfor %}
  534.                                                     </tbody>
  535.                                                 </table>
  536.                                             </div>
  537.                                         </div>
  538.                                     </div>
  539.                                 {% endif %}
  540.                                 {% if data.event.eventPresentations|length >0 %}
  541.                                     <div class="box-header with-border">
  542.                                         <span class="event-heading">Presentation</span>
  543.                                         <div class="box-body">
  544.                                             <div class="box-body">
  545.                                                 <table
  546.                                                         class="table table-striped table-bordered dataTable dt-responsive wrap col5"
  547.                                                         style="width: 100%;">
  548.                                                     {% for i in ['thead', 'tfoot'] %}
  549.                                                     <{{ i }}>
  550.                                                         <tr>
  551.                                                             {#<th class="all">Select</th>#}
  552.                                                             <th>Agenda</th>
  553.                                                             <th class="all">Code</th>
  554.                                                             <th>Name</th>
  555.                                                             <th>Updated on</th>
  556.                                                             <th class="all text-right">Action</th>
  557.                                                         </tr>
  558.                                                     </{{ i }}>
  559.                                                     {% endfor %}
  560.                                                     <tbody>
  561.                                                     {% for document in data.event.eventPresentations %}
  562.                                                         <tr>
  563.                                                             <td>{{ document.idAgendaitem }}</td>
  564.                                                             <td>{{ document.docCode }}</td>
  565.                                                             <td>
  566.                                                                 <a
  567.                                                                         href="/document/{{ document.idDoc }}"
  568.                                                                         class="view-document"
  569.                                                                         data-docid="{{ document.idDoc }}">
  570.                                                                     {{ document.title }}
  571.                                                                 </a>
  572.                                                             </td>
  573.                                                             <td>{{ document.updatedAt|date("d/m/Y") }}</td>
  574.                                                             <td>
  575.                                                                 <div class="btn-group pull-right">
  576.                                                                     <i
  577.                                                                             class="fa fa-download fa-2x download-document"
  578.                                                                             aria-hidden="true"
  579.                                                                             data-idDoc="{{ document.idDoc }}" >
  580.                                                                     </i>
  581.                                                                 </div>
  582.                                                             </td>
  583.                                                         </tr>
  584.                                                     {% endfor %}
  585.                                                     </tbody>
  586.                                                 </table>
  587.                                             </div>
  588.                                         </div>
  589.                                     </div>
  590.                                 {% endif %}
  591.                                 {% if data.event.agendaDocuments|length >0 %}
  592.                                     <div class="box-header with-border">
  593.                                         <span class="event-heading">Agenda Documents</span>
  594.                                         <div class="box-body">
  595.                                             <table
  596.                                                     class="table table-striped table-bordered dataTable dt-responsive wrap col5"
  597.                                                     style="width: 100%;" >
  598.                                                 {% for i in ['thead', 'tfoot'] %}
  599.                                                 <{{ i }}>
  600.                                                 <tr>
  601.                                                     {#<th class="all">Select</th>#}
  602.                                                     <th>Agenda</th>
  603.                                                     <th class="all">Code</th>
  604.                                                     <th>Name</th>
  605.                                                     <th>Updated on</th>
  606.                                                     <th class="all text-right">Action</th>
  607.                                                 </tr>
  608.                                                 </{{ i }}>
  609.                                                 {% endfor %}
  610.                                                 <tbody>
  611.                                                 {% for document in data.event.agendaDocuments %}
  612.                                                     <tr>
  613.                                                         <td>{{ document.idAgendaitem }}</td>
  614.                                                         <td>{{ document.docCode }}</td>
  615.                                                         <td>
  616.                                                             <a
  617.                                                                     href="/document/{{ document.idDoc }}"
  618.                                                                     class="view-document"
  619.                                                                     data-docid="{{ document.idDoc }}">
  620.                                                                 {{ document.title }}
  621.                                                             </a>
  622.                                                         </td>
  623.                                                         <td>{{ document.updatedAt|date("d/m/y") }}</td>
  624.                                                         <td>
  625.                                                             <div class="btn-group pull-right">
  626.                                                                 <i
  627.                                                                         class="fa fa-download fa-2x download-document"
  628.                                                                         aria-hidden="true"
  629.                                                                         data-idDoc="{{ document.idDoc }}" >
  630.                                                                 </i>
  631.                                                             </div>
  632.                                                         </td>
  633.                                                     </tr>
  634.                                                 {% endfor %}
  635.                                                 </tbody>
  636.                                             </table>
  637.                                         </div>
  638.                                     </div>
  639.                                 {% endif %}
  640.                                 {% if data.event.backgroundDocs|length >0 %}
  641.                                     <div class="box-header with-border">
  642.                                         <span class="event-heading">Background Documents</span>
  643.                                         <div class="box-body">
  644.                                             <div class="box-body">
  645.                                                 <table
  646.                                                         class="table table-striped table-bordered dataTable dt-responsive wrap col5"
  647.                                                         style="width: 100%;">
  648.                                                     {% for i in ['thead', 'tfoot'] %}
  649.                                                     <{{ i }}>
  650.                                                     <tr>
  651.                                                         {#<th class="all">Select</th>#}
  652.                                                         <th>Agenda</th>
  653.                                                         <th class="all">Code</th>
  654.                                                         <th>Name</th>
  655.                                                         <th>Updated on</th>
  656.                                                         <th class="all text-right">Action</th>
  657.                                                     </tr>
  658.                                                 </{{ i }}>
  659.                                                 {% endfor %}
  660.                                                 <tbody>
  661.                                                 {% for document in data.event.backgroundDocs %}
  662.                                                     <tr>
  663.                                                         <td>{{ document.idAgendaitem }}</td>
  664.                                                         <td>{{ document.docCode }}</td>
  665.                                                         <td><a
  666.                                                                     href="/document/{{ document.idDoc }}"
  667.                                                                     class="view-document"
  668.                                                                     data-docid="{{ document.idDoc }}">
  669.                                                                 {{ document.title }}
  670.                                                             </a>
  671.                                                         </td>
  672.                                                         <td>{{ document.updatedAt|date("d/m/Y") }}</td>
  673.                                                         <td>
  674.                                                             <div class="btn-group pull-right">
  675.                                                                 <i
  676.                                                                         class="fa fa-download fa-2x download-document"
  677.                                                                         aria-hidden="true"
  678.                                                                         data-idDoc="{{ document.idDoc }}" >
  679.                                                                 </i>
  680.                                                             </div>
  681.                                                         </td>
  682.                                                     </tr>
  683.                                                 {% endfor %}
  684.                                                 </tbody>
  685.                                                 </table>
  686.                                             </div>
  687.                                         </div>
  688.                                     </div>
  689.                                 {% endif %}
  690.                                 {% if data.event.otherDocs|length >0 %}
  691.                                     <div class="box-header with-border">
  692.                                         <span class="event-heading">Other Documents</span>
  693.                                         <div class="box-body">
  694.                                             <div class="box-body">
  695.                                                 <table
  696.                                                         class="table table-striped table-bordered dataTable dt-responsive wrap col4"
  697.                                                         style="width: 100%;">
  698.                                                     {% for i in ['thead', 'tfoot'] %}
  699.                                                     <{{ i }}>
  700.                                                     <tr>
  701.                                                         {#<th class="all">Select</th>#}
  702.                                                         <th class="all">Code</th>
  703.                                                         <th>Name</th>
  704.                                                         <th>Updated on</th>
  705.                                                         <th class="all text-right">Action</th>
  706.                                                     </tr>
  707.                                                 </{{ i }}>
  708.                                                 {% endfor %}
  709.                                                 <tbody>
  710.                                                 {% for document in data.event.otherDocs %}
  711.                                                     <tr>
  712.                                                         <td>{{ document.docCode }}</td>
  713.                                                         <td>
  714.                                                             <a
  715.                                                                     href="/document/{{ document.idDoc }}"
  716.                                                                     class="view-document"
  717.                                                                     data-docid="{{ document.idDoc }}">
  718.                                                                 {{ document.title }}
  719.                                                             </a>
  720.                                                         </td>
  721.                                                         <td>{{ document.updatedAt|date("d/m/Y") }}</td>
  722.                                                         <td>
  723.                                                             <div class="btn-group pull-right">
  724.                                                                 <i
  725.                                                                         class="fa fa-download fa-2x download-document"
  726.                                                                         aria-hidden="true"
  727.                                                                         data-idDoc="{{ document.idDoc }}" >
  728.                                                                 </i>
  729.                                                             </div>
  730.                                                         </td>
  731.                                                     </tr>
  732.                                                 {% endfor %}
  733.                                                 </tbody>
  734.                                                 </table>
  735.                                             </div>
  736.                                         </div>
  737.                                     </div>
  738.                                 {% endif %}
  739.                             </div>
  740.                             <!-- /.tab-pane -->
  741.                             <div class="tab-pane" id="participants">
  742.                                 <p>
  743.                                     {% set totalParticipants = data.event.people.numberOfParticipants %}
  744.                                     {% set totalParticipants = totalParticipants + data.event.people.numberOfProvisional %}
  745.                                     {% set totalParticipants =totalParticipants + data.event.people.numberOfUnapproved %}
  746.                                     There
  747.                                     {% if totalParticipants != 1 %}
  748.                                         are
  749.                                     {% else %}
  750.                                         is
  751.                                     {% endif %}
  752.                                     {{ totalParticipants }}
  753.                                         participant{% if totalParticipants != 1 %}s{% endif%}
  754.                                     associated with <a
  755.                                             href="{{ path('view_event',{ 'event': data.event.details.idEvent} )}}">
  756.                                         {{ data.event.details.title }}
  757.                                     </a>
  758.                                     {% if data.event.people.numberOfProvisional > 0 %},
  759.                                         {{ data.event.people.numberOfProvisional }} of whom
  760.                                         {% if data.event.people.numberOfProvisional != 1 %}
  761.                                             are
  762.                                         {% else %}
  763.                                             is
  764.                                         {% endif %}
  765.                                         provisional
  766.                                     {% endif %}.
  767.                                 </p>
  768.                                 {% if is_granted('ROLE_USER') %}
  769.                                 <p>
  770.                                     <a
  771.                                             href="{{ path('view_printable_participants',{idEvent: data.event.details.idEvent}) }}">
  772.                                         <button
  773.                                                 class="btn btn-primary"
  774.                                                 id="viewPrintableParticipants"
  775.                                                 style="display: block;">
  776.                                             <i class="fa fa-eye fa-fw"></i>
  777.                                             View a printable participants list
  778.                                         </button>
  779.                                     </a>
  780.                                 </p>
  781.                                 <p>
  782.                                     <a
  783.                                             href="{{ path('download_event_participants_info',{idEvent: data.event.details.idEvent}) }}"
  784.                                             target="_blank">
  785.                                         <button
  786.                                                 class="btn btn-primary"
  787.                                                 id="export"
  788.                                                 style="display: block;">
  789.                                             <i class="fa fa-download fa-fw"></i>
  790.                                             Export participants info as CSV
  791.                                         </button>
  792.                                     </a>
  793.                                 </p>
  794.                                 {% endif %}
  795.                                 {% if data.event.people.participantsByRole | length > 0 %}
  796.                                     {% for role, participants in data.event.people.participantsByRole %}
  797.                                         {% if participants | length > 0 %}
  798.                                             <div class="box-header with-border">
  799.                                                 <span class="event-heading">{{ role }}</span>
  800.                                                 <div class="box-body">
  801.                                                     <table
  802.                                                             class="table table-striped table-bordered dataTable dt-responsive wrap
  803.                                                          {% if app.user %}
  804.                                                             col3
  805.                                                          {% else %}
  806.                                                             col2
  807.                                                          {% endif %}"
  808.                                                             style="width: 100%;" >
  809.                                                     {% for i in ['thead'] %}
  810.                                                         <{{ i }}>
  811.                                                             <tr>
  812.                                                                 <th
  813.                                                                         class="all"
  814.                                                                         style="width:100%;">
  815.                                                                     Name
  816.                                                                 </th>
  817.                                                                 <th>
  818.                                                                     Country
  819.                                                                 </th>
  820.                                                                 {% if app.user %}
  821.                                                                     <th>
  823.                                                                     </th>
  824.                                                                 {% endif %}
  825.                                                             </tr>
  826.                                                         </{{ i }}>
  827.                                                     {% endfor %}
  828.                                                     <tbody>
  829.                                                     {% for participant in participants %}
  830.                                                         {% set textClass = "" %}
  831.                                                         {% if participant.status == 0 %}
  832.                                                             {% set textClass = "text-green" %}
  833.                                                             {% set title = "Confirmed & Approved" %}
  834.                                                         {% elseif participant.status == 1 %}
  835.                                                             {% set textClass = "text-yellow" %}
  836.                                                             {% set title = "Need Confirmation" %}
  837.                                                         {% elseif participant.status == 2 %}
  838.                                                             {% set textClass = "text-grey" %}
  839.                                                             {% set title = "Need Approval" %}
  840.                                                         {% elseif participant.status == 3 %}
  841.                                                             {% set textClass = "text-red" %}
  842.                                                             {% set title = "Declined" %}
  843.                                                         {% elseif participant.status == 4 %}
  844.                                                             {% set textClass = "text-darkred" %}
  845.                                                             {% set title = "Rejected" %}
  846.                                                         {% endif %}
  847.                                                         <tr>
  848.                                                             <td>
  849.                                                                 <i
  850.                                                                         class="fa fa-user fa-2x fa-fw {{ textClass }} tipso"
  851.                                                                         aria-hidden="true"
  852.                                                                         title="{{ title }}">
  853.                                                                 </i>
  854.                                                                 <a
  855.                                                                         href="{{ path('view_profile', {'user': participant.idInd}) }}"
  856.                                                                         target="_blank">
  857.                                                                     {{ participant.sname | upper ~ ' ' ~ participant.fname }}
  858.                                                                 </a>
  859.                                                             </td>
  860.                                                             <td>
  861.                                                                 {{ participant.country }}
  862.                                                             </td>
  863.                                                             {% if app.user %}
  864.                                                                 <td>
  865.                                                                     {{ participant.accommodation }}
  866.                                                                 </td>
  867.                                                             {% endif %}
  868.                                                         </tr>
  869.                                                     {% endfor %}
  870.                                                     </tbody>
  871.                                                     </table>
  872.                                                 </div>
  873.                                             </div>
  874.                                         {% endif %}
  875.                                     {% endfor %}
  876.                                 {% endif %}
  877.                                 <div class="stats">
  878.                                     {% if data.event.people.numberOfParticipants > 0  %}
  879.                                         <i class="fa fa-user fa-2x fa-fw text-green" aria-hidden="true"></i>
  880.                                         = Person has confirmed their participation and been approved to participate.<br />
  881.                                     {% endif %}
  882.                                     {% if data.event.people.numberOfProvisional > 0 %}
  883.                                         <i class="fa fa-user fa-2x fa-fw text-yellow" aria-hidden="true"></i>
  884.                                         = Person has not yet confirmed their participation.<br />
  885.                                     {% endif %}
  886.                                     {% if data.event.people.numberOfUnapproved  > 0 %}
  887.                                         <i class="fa fa-user fa-2x fa-fw text-grey" aria-hidden="true"></i>
  888.                                         = Person has applied to participate but has not yet been approved.<br />
  889.                                     {% endif %}
  890.                                     {% if data.event.people.numberOfDeclined > 0 %}
  891.                                         <i class="fa fa-user fa-2x fa-fw text-red" aria-hidden="true"></i>
  892.                                         = Person has declined to participate or had their request to participate declined.<br />
  893.                                     {% endif %}
  894.                                     {% if data.event.people.numberOfRejected > 0 %}
  895.                                         <i class="fa fa-user fa-2x fa-fw text-darkred" aria-hidden="true"></i>
  896.                                         = Person had their request to participate declined.<br />
  897.                                     {% endif %}
  898.                                     Participant Stats:<br />
  899.                                     Total Invited: {{  data.event.people.participants|length }}<br />
  900.                                     {% if data.event.people.numberOfParticipants is defined %}
  901.                                         Confirmed: {{ data.event.people.numberOfParticipants }}<br />
  902.                                     {% endif %}
  903.                                     {% if data.event.people.numberOfProvisional is defined %}
  904.                                         Not confirmed: {{ data.event.people.numberOfProvisional }}<br />
  905.                                     {% endif %}
  906.                                     {% if data.event.people.numberOfUnapproved is defined %}
  907.                                         Unapproved: {{ data.event.people.numberOfUnapproved }}<br />
  908.                                     {% endif %}
  909.                                     {% if data.event.people.numberOfDeclined is defined %}
  910.                                         Not-participating: {{ data.event.people.numberOfDeclined }}<br />
  911.                                     {% endif %}
  912.                                     {% if data.event.people.numberOfRejected is defined %}
  913.                                         Rejected: {{ data.event.people.numberOfRejected }}<br />
  914.                                     {% endif %}
  915.                                 </div>
  916.                             </div>
  917.                             <!-- /.tab-pane -->
  918.                         </div>
  919.                         <!-- /.tab-content -->
  920.                     </div>
  921.                     <!-- /.nav-tabs-custom -->
  922.                     <div id='edited-by' class="pull-right italics text-right">
  923.                         Group(s):
  924.                         {% if data.event.eventGroups|length > 0 %}
  925.                             {% for group in data.event.eventGroups  %}
  926.                                 {% if loop.last %}
  927.                                 <a
  928.                                         href="{{ path('view_group',{groupId: group.idGroup}) }}">
  929.                                     {{ group.groupname }}.<br />
  930.                                 </a>
  931.                                 {% else %}
  932.                                 <a
  933.                                         href="{{ path('view_group',{groupId: group.idGroup}) }}">
  934.                                     {{ group.groupname }},
  935.                                 </a>
  936.                                 {% endif %}
  937.                             {% endfor %}
  938.                         {% else %}
  939.                             no groups<br />
  940.                         {% endif %}
  941.                         Label(s):
  942.                         {% if data.event.eventLabels|length > 0 %}
  943.                             {% for label in data.event.eventLabels %}
  944.                                 {{ label.groupname ~ " " ~  label.labelType }}
  945.                                 {% if loop.last %}
  946.                                     <br />
  947.                                 {% else %}
  948.                                     ,
  949.                                 {% endif %}
  950.                             {% endfor %}
  951.                         {% else %}
  952.                             no labels<br />
  953.                         {% endif %}
  954.                         {% if data.event.eventEdits.createdBy is defined %}
  955.                             Created
  956.                             {% if data.event.eventEdits.createdAt is defined %}
  957.                                 at {{ data.event.eventEdits.createdAt | date('H:i') ~' on '~ data.event.eventEdits.createdAt | date('d M Y') }}
  958.                             {% endif %}
  959.                             by <a
  960.                                     href="{{ path('view_profile',{user: data.event.eventEdits.createdId}) }}">
  961.                                 {{ data.event.eventEdits.createdBy }}
  962.                             </a>
  963.                             <br />
  964.                         {% endif %}
  965.                         {% if data.event.eventEdits.lastEditBy is defined %}
  966.                             Last Updated
  967.                             {% if data.event.eventEdits.lastEditAt is defined %}
  968.                                 at {{ data.event.eventEdits.lastEditAt | date('H:i') ~' on '~ data.event.eventEdits.lastEditAt | date('d M Y') }}
  969.                             {% endif %}
  970.                             by <a
  971.                                     href="{{ path('view_profile',{user: data.event.eventEdits.lastEditId}) }}">
  972.                                 {{ data.event.eventEdits.lastEditBy }}
  973.                             </a>
  974.                             <br />
  975.                         {% endif %}
  976.                     </div>
  977.                 </div>
  978.                 <!-- /.col -->
  979.             </div>
  980.             <!-- /.row -->
  981.         </section>
  982.     </div>
  983.     {% if app.user  %}
  984.         <div
  985.                 aria-hidden="true"
  986.                 aria-labelledby="compose-mail"
  987.                 role="dialog"
  988.                 tabindex="-1"
  989.                 id="compose-mail"
  990.                 class="modal fade"
  991.                 style="display: none;">
  992.             <div class="modal-dialog modal-email modal-lg">
  993.                 <div class="modal-content">
  994.                     <div class="modal-header">
  995.                         <button
  996.                                 aria-hidden="true"
  997.                                 data-dismiss="modal"
  998.                                 class="close"
  999.                                 type="button">
  1000.                             Ã—
  1001.                         </button>
  1002.                         <h4 class="modal-title">Compose Mail</h4>
  1003.                     </div>
  1004.                     {% if data.event.details.status == 1 %}
  1005.                     <div class="modal-body">
  1006.                         <div role="form" class="form-horizontal">
  1007.                             <div class="form-group">
  1008.                                 <label class="col-lg-2 control-label">Sender</label>
  1009.                                 <div class="col-lg-10">
  1010.                                     {% if file_exists(web_path~asset('uploads/profile/profile_'~app.user.id~'.png')) %}
  1011.                                         <img
  1012.                                                 src="{{ asset('uploads/profile/profile_'~app.user.id~'.png') }}"
  1013.                                                 alt="user profile image"
  1014.                                                 class="profile-img-sm img-circle"/>
  1015.                                     {% endif %}
  1016.                                     <label class="control-label">
  1017.                                         {{ data.user.fname~' '~data.user.sname }} &lt;{{ app.user.email }}&gt;<br />
  1018.                                         <div class="checkbox">
  1019.                                             <label class="no-padding" for="selfEmail">
  1020.                                                 <input
  1021.                                                         type="checkbox"
  1022.                                                         value=""
  1023.                                                         id="selfEmail" />
  1024.                                                 <span class="cr">
  1025.                                                     <i class="cr-icon glyphicon glyphicon-ok"></i>
  1026.                                                 </span>
  1027.                                                 Send a copy of this message to me too
  1028.                                             </label>
  1029.                                         </div>
  1030.                                     </label>
  1031.                                 </div>
  1032.                             </div>
  1033.                             <div class="form-group">
  1034.                                 <label class="col-lg-2 control-label">Recipients</label>
  1035.                                 <div class="col-lg-10">
  1036.                                     <label class="">
  1037.                                         All people involved in the event: {{ data.event.details.title }}
  1038.                                     </label>
  1039.                                     <br />({{ data.event.people.total }} recipient)
  1040.                                 </div>
  1041.                             </div>
  1042.                             <div class="form-group">
  1043.                                 <label class="col-lg-2 control-label" for="subject">Subject</label>
  1044.                                 <div class="col-lg-10">
  1045.                                     <input
  1046.                                             type="text"
  1047.                                             placeholder=""
  1048.                                             id="subject"
  1049.                                             name="subject"
  1050.                                             class="form-control" />
  1051.                                 </div>
  1052.                             </div>
  1053.                             <div class="form-group">
  1054.                                 <label class="col-lg-2 control-label" for="message">Message</label>
  1055.                                 <div class="col-lg-10">
  1056.                                     <textarea
  1057.                                             rows="10"
  1058.                                             cols="30"
  1059.                                             class="form-control textarea"
  1060.                                             id="message"
  1061.                                             name="message">
  1062.                                     </textarea>
  1063.                                 </div>
  1064.                             </div>
  1065.                             <div class="form-group">
  1066.                                 <label class="col-lg-2 control-label" for="info"></label>
  1067.                                 <div class="col-lg-10">
  1068.                                     <div style="margin-top:5px">
  1069.                                         <div class="infoHidden">
  1070.                                             <a
  1071.                                                     class="showInfo"
  1072.                                                     href="javascript:void(0)">
  1073.                                                 [Info on inserting names]
  1074.                                             </a>
  1075.                                         </div>
  1076.                                         <div class="infoShown">
  1077.                                             <a
  1078.                                                     class="hideInfo"
  1079.                                                     href="javascript:void(0)"
  1080.                                                     style="float:right">
  1081.                                                 [Hide]
  1082.                                             </a>
  1083.                                             If you include these special words in your message, they will be replaced:
  1084.                                             <br /><br />
  1085.                                             <div class="table-responsive">
  1086.                                                 <table class="table table-condensed">
  1087.                                                     <tbody>
  1088.                                                         <tr>
  1089.                                                             <td>_FULLNAME_</td>
  1090.                                                             <td>Recipient name (first name &amp; surname)</td>
  1091.                                                         </tr>
  1092.                                                         <tr>
  1093.                                                             <td>_FNAME_</td>
  1094.                                                             <td>Recipient first name</td>
  1095.                                                         </tr>
  1096.                                                         <tr>
  1097.                                                             <td>_SNAME_</td>
  1098.                                                             <td>Recipient surname</td>
  1099.                                                         </tr>
  1100.                                                         <tr>
  1101.                                                             <td>_TITLE_</td>
  1102.                                                             <td>Recipient title</td>
  1103.                                                         </tr>
  1104.                                                     </tbody>
  1105.                                                 </table>
  1106.                                             </div>
  1107.                                         </div>
  1108.                                     </div>
  1109.                                 </div>
  1110.                             </div>
  1111.                             <div class="form-group">
  1112.                                 <div class="col-lg-offset-2 col-lg-10">
  1113.                                     <div class="fileUpload">
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  1115.                                                 action="{{ path('upload_email_attachments') }}"
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  1117.                                                 id="myAwesomeDropzone">
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  1119.                                     </div>
  1120.                                 </div>
  1121.                             </div>
  1122.                             <div class="form-group">
  1123.                                 <div class="col-lg-offset-2 col-lg-10">
  1124.                                     <div class="btn-toolbar pull-right ">
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  1126.                                                 class="btn btn-send btn-danger"
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  1128.                                                 data-dismiss="modal">
  1129.                                             <i class="fa fa-times-circle"></i>
  1130.                                             Close
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  1132.                                         <button
  1133.                                                 class="btn btn-send btn-primary"
  1134.                                                 id="sendmail">
  1135.                                             Send
  1136.                                             <i class="fa fa-envelope-o"></i>
  1137.                                         </button>
  1138.                                     </div>
  1139.                                 </div>
  1140.                             </div>
  1141.                         </div>
  1142.                     </div>
  1143.                     {% else %}
  1144.                         <h3 class="col-lg-offset-2">
  1145.                             <i class="fa error fa-warning">&nbsp;Event is not activated yet.</i>
  1146.                         </h3>
  1147.                         <p class="col-lg-offset-2">
  1148.                             This event is not yet activated. <br>
  1149.                             You can only send emails to participants once the event is activated.<br><br>
  1150.                         </p>
  1151.                     {% endif %}
  1152.                 </div><!-- /.modal-content -->
  1153.             </div><!-- /.modal-dialog -->
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  1165.                 <div class="modal-header">
  1166.                     <h3 class="modal-title">
  1167.                         Document Details
  1168.                     </h3>
  1169.                 </div>
  1170.                 <div class="modal-body">
  1171.                 </div>
  1172.                 <div class="modal-footer">
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  1176.                             data-dismiss="modal">
  1177.                         Close
  1178.                     </button>
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